Who's Up For A Challenge!



  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
    Count me in. Feel free to add me as a friend as well.

    SW : 269lbs - 09.09.13
    NGW : 264lbs - 09.30.13
    FGW : 255lbs - 12.16.13

    CW: 266.5lbs - 09.16.13
  • chokalte
    chokalte Posts: 27 Member
    Look at this week as a new start for yourself, I have to tell myself time and time again. I didn't gain this weight overnight!!! I wish you a great progress for the week.
    Okay, like I posted a couple of days ago, this week I've been off my game. The one day I didn't log my food, it's because I went to Chinese and I wasn't -exactly- mindful. Mind you, I didn't go overboard, but I could have made a few better choices. I also haven't been exercising like I wanted to, but this Friday I'm buying a new pair of shoes(mine are completely destroyed - should have bought new ones a couple months ago) which will make it more comfortable for me to go for walks. I'm also trying to fit my workout routine in between when I work(babysit), but I haven't gotten there yet.

    This weeks goals is to do my workout 3 times, and then on both days of the weekend.

    September 9th - 343 lbs
    September 16th - 343 lbs

    I'm really ashamed that I'm the same weight I was a week ago, especially since I've been roughly this weight for the past 3 or 4 months, but in the past week I was up to 350, so I am definitely glad I'm back down. But, this means if I want to reach my goal by the end of the month, I have to lose 7 pounds in 15 days.

    I will keep it up, and once I get my new shoes, oh boy! Walking for at least 30 minutes a day(if not more!). Hopefully that will kick things into gear!

    Have a good week everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • chokalte
    chokalte Posts: 27 Member
    A big Congratulations to everyone in the group who lost or didn't and you still came back in to reply. That is a victory all in itself..:wink:
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    2.2 lost for me this week!!!!!
  • mpetrovic
    mpetrovic Posts: 14 Member
    First weigh in!
    Starting weight 9/9: 157
    Current weight 9/16: 155
    Month goal: 148

    Last week I had the stomach bug and was unable to eat or move around a lot (which explains the weight loss) but I'm not going to let it stop me! I've been working out 60mins+ everyday so I'm hoping I will see results. Good work everyone.
  • phickman9273
    phickman9273 Posts: 8 Member
    First Weigh in:
    Starting weight 231
    Current weight 224
    Month goal was 225

    I was down and out most of the weekend with the stomach flu. Not sure how I am below my goal weight already but super excited. Going to continue eating my fruits and veggies as well as getting in at least 30 minutes of activity a day. Keep going everyone.
  • usmcfemale
    usmcfemale Posts: 17 Member
    starting weight: 155
    today's weight: 155
    Goal weight: 139

    It's been a good start so far. 6 out of 7 days working out. 2 weeks to my 5k!
  • First weigh in!

    Starting Weight: 299.2
    Current Weight: 297.6
    September Goal Weight: 290

    I was only expecting to lose a pound or so i'm excited about my results. :) Hope everyone has an awesome week!

    Also, feel free to add me as a friend (new to MFP so I only have one on here atm, lol).
  • First weigh in..
    SW - 237
    9-16-13 ~ 236
    End of Sept goal weight - 232

    Good work everyone! We can do this!! :happy:
  • Starting weight 9/11: 233
    Current weight 9/16: 232
  • violagurl117
    violagurl117 Posts: 10 Member
    I am a little late but I would like to join!

    current weight (Sept 10): 183
    Goal weight by Sept 30: 178

    Okay first weigh in today! I am at 179.8. I was sick last week so I am guessing that is why I lost so much...going to try to get back to my normal work out and eating routine this week.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Count me in pretty please & thank you! I'm in with a couple of other groups, but find that the more accountability I have the better I do.

    Starting weight (from last week) 244.5
    Weigh in 9/16 - 240.0
    Goal weight for 9/30 234


    ETA - forgot to put my weight as of yesterday for the weekly weigh in... OOPS!
  • SexiestChai
    SexiestChai Posts: 2 Member
    Here's my weigh in results for week one

    Starting weight 139
    Week One weight 137

    And still going... :)
  • obiausten
    obiausten Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, sorry i am late, but would love to join this group to motivate me before the year runs out. Goal weight for the end of september 220.

    09/09 - 226
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing great. Don't forget if you make your monthly goal ...you are entered in a raffle for a free year of fitness magazine.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    My evenings are chaotic with 5 kids going all directions and I teach piano lessons in the evenings. Exercise needs to be back in my life but it is hard. My kids went to bed and I looked at my husband at 8PM and went for a walk. Felt great and knowing this is a battle, it's time to take charge of it! :) Have a wonderful week!
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sitting here having breakfast. Cheerios and Almond milk. Going to go to the gym in a bit and work out too.

    I hope everyone is doing well. It is a rainy day here. Good day to lay in bed and sleep. But that won't get the pounds off, so time to get moving.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    I'm late to the game. Can I still join?

    Today's weight: 212
    End of September Goal: 209
  • chokalte
    chokalte Posts: 27 Member
    Good Morning everyone !!! I tried to get on my scale this morning and it said LO ...Which mean I couldn't weigh myself. I almost freaked out !!! :noway:

    I have decided to try and burn at least 300 - 400 calories a day and I have a ton of work out videos at home. Wish me luck! Have a great day everyone. This is really keeping me motivated! :wink:
  • Im two days late but I want to join

    current weight = 329 goal weight for end of Sept = 325

    current weight = 326 Sept/18