

  • great post!! i love this site, i feel so supported and i can really relate to everyone thanks for sharing this!
  • hey i know exactly how you feel about a year ago i bought a bike too and was really put off by how horrible i felt even getting on the thing, but i just did what i could each day and pushed myself a little bit further and in no time at all i was biking 20-30 km in a day it really just gets easier and easier as you go!
  • I know what you mean... the people where i work are no better, i work nights too so sometimes the only thing keeping me awake is to eat something it is very hard to resist
  • it does suck.. but as an RN i can assure u that it is very needed. hang in there!!
  • nutella rules i used to dip it in teddy grahams but now that i am trying to avoid that kind of thing i spread a little on a whole grain tortilla and fold it in half, then cut it. They are good little finger snacks and not THAAAAAT bad for you.
  • Hey I agree... it is easy to feel like you are getting behind when u try to eat healthier, i find if i try to start fresh every day and not try to make up for or compensate for the previous or following day it is not so ovewhelming.
  • thanks :)
  • Hey guys, my mom just sent me this site and it looks super easy so i am gonna give it a shot, i have a plan to lose 20 kg so well see how it works. My name is Lindsay btw!