

  • After being good and eating healthy all day...........I binge at night,like right before i go to sleep. I'm trying to eat protein at night but many days I just blow it all on diet ice cream bars!!!! Just to go to frustrated. I feel so stupid and out of control!!
  • If I don't go to a restaurant that lists the nutritional value on line..........I try to estimate or just eat small portions and don't log that day. I suck at estimating. My son got a scale to measure portions at home and he is great at estimating..............I do always estimate up as many others said here. Best of luck…
  • Youre going to great!! I weighed 230 lbs a yr ago and now maintaining my wt at 180 lbs,still need to lose but taking a break. The key for me was logging, seeing a registered dietician a few times, and getting my butt on the treadmill(brisk walking) 3-4 x a wk.i did it slowly and never in my wildest dream did i expect i…
  • I am new to this group but definitely belong here as i suffer from chronic migraines,neck, and back pain which make it difficult for me to exercise on a regular basis. I feel like im always at the dr's office and just started at a pain center starting with facet injections but it will be a process of visits and procedures.…
  • I'd be happy to encourage you. I was 230lbs. a yr ago and now im 180. I did it for medical reasons and found a low carb diet was what worked for me. I also go on the treadmill to walk. My son was 250lbs a yr ago and is now 194. We push each other and it definitely helps to reach out to others. I never thought i could do…
  • I track my exercise to remind myself to keep it up as im doing it for my mental and physical health. My dietician advised me not to count the exercise to allow me more calories so that's what i have done and i still only lost @a lb./wk but in all 50lbs thus far. It's really up to you, just passing on the advice i…
  • I've lost 30-40 lbs on ww online 2x in the past and kept it off for a few yrs. I found it very helpful but they don't have special program for diabetics so I used a dietician and this app to lose 50 lbs recently. It's now a health issue so I'm using this app to maintain. Plateauing is common with all weight loss. There…
  • :D Hi I would love to be a supporter as I had my most of my pancreas out just under a yr. ago and I'm borderline diabetic. Congrats to you on losing 46 lbs. as it's not easy. I lost 50 lbs. and I'm down to 180 but Im having a hard time staying on the diet right now..........I just got back on track for the same reasons as…
  • Im a single mom and get lonely and im always looking for friends to encourage me and just be there for me......Feel free to add me and congratulations. I've lost 30 lbs. and have another 15-20 to go. I was eating my troubles away and then i finally realized i always do for my kids and not myself. I have so much more energy…
  • Hi....Ive only been doing this for a month and I love this app.....but i would love to find friends to talk to along this lifelong journey as i am overweight and prediabetic due to removal of my pancreas this yr.!!! Oh, and I hate to cook anything more than a sandwich or breakfast!! :)