lynnruiz81 Member


  • That is a good idea, to write to the board, at my girls school they are only allowed healthy snacks and drinks no sodas chips or cookies, they have gold fish crackers and only offer chocolate milk once a week. At the school they also have a salad bar, Im surprised E's school doesnt have that, I would bring it up first to…
  • I have read that planks help the triceps and theres other exercises that will help you also just google or go onto youtube and look for tricep exercises.............good luck!!
  • No, your being a good mom, kids that age dont need to worry about calories, they just need to be aware of the foods they eat and that they are good for them, I also have 2 daughters, 6 and 11..........I just have healthier foods in the house and make sure they dont overeat the bad foods when they have it. If your very…
  • I dont agree........taking a child away due to the parents not being educated isnt going to help them, it will scar them. They will be put into a foster home with people they dont know........I think the best thing to do is to educate these parents and children about nutrition. Alot of time the parents arent aware that…
  • Eat every 2-3hrs that helps keep your hungry under wraps, normally any suppressants do a number on your metabolism even though its natural, this is a life style change, we need to learn and reteach ourselves to eat properly and do it the right way. With time you will get the hang of it . Eat foods that are also healthier…
  • I wish I lived closer!! =( love u!
  • You should try eating every 2-3 hours eat a good BF then 2-3hrs later a healthy snack and so on it helps me stay full and prevents me from snacking once Im home..........but make sure they are healthy snacks and not sugar filled , sugar burns faster and youll get hungry alot quicker. Good luck!
  • Try eating every 2-3hrs eat your breakfast (make sure it has protein and can keep you full) eat 2-3hrs later a snack then again lunch and so small meals regularly will keep you full and less cranky. As for your calories everyones different dont go by what your cowkers or friends say if thats what MFP told…
  • You need to make sure you dont let your body think its in starvation mode if you exercise alot and eat less calories youd think youd loose but your body will hold onto it...........try to change your workouts, do the treadmile and then add weights sometimes you need to shock your body so it can loose. Eat every 2-3hrs on…