Oops,I put the wrong weight It's 265
Can I join late? Starting weight:271 lbs Goal weight: 225 Current weight: 271lbs Total weight lost: 0 This week's successes: I worked out today. I have a 22 month old and a 2 month old so it's a challenge This week's challenges: eating vegetables
"oh wow, you lost a TON" really? STFU "you are too skinny" "are you STILL losing weight?" "what size are you wearing now?" "how much do you weigh now?"
I wish I didnt but I work in healthcare and they are required at my job. ppl literally get terminated if they dont get them! i actually got the letter today to REMIND me to get it by November or I am terminated :( My husband and our future kids will not
your story is really touching. thank you so much for sharing it. you are a true inspiration! I also suffer from a binge disorder and to that part of your story I can relate. you have done a truly amazing thing! keep up the great work. please continue to share your story, you have the capability to touch so many lives!
60lbs in 10 months! :D yay
I dont do carb cycling. but, I do heavy cal days and then a low call day. So similar to carb cycling but instead of carbs, think of calories :D I havent been doing it lately becuase i am working out too much to have low call days but when I did I saw good results! low cal day = 500-900 calories high cal day = 1600-1900
i had the worst cheat day I have had since i started paleo in november 2012. usually my cheats are not fast food but i was jonsing. taco bell doritos locos taco supreme dunkin donuts chocolate peanut butter ice cream pizza hut pizza what? I was a mad woman that day! didnt gain a lb though :D i already have my next one…
I am just under 5'8 and weigh 194. would i qualify? i have to reach my goal of 185 in the next 3 weeks!!! would lovce motivation started at 250 last november
coconut milk. the canned kind (its healthier and sweeter and thicker!). also, almond milk is good but coconut milk is my fav.
I have just the thing for you! choco-banana ice cream! slice 1 banana placed sliced banana in freezer for atleast an hour remove sliced banana from freezer and put into food processor it will take about 2 minutes forthe banana to turn to a creamy goodness! once it reaches that consistency add cocoa powder and mix for…
you eat wayyy too many processed foods. carbs, sodium, carbs! switch out the processed foods for whole foods. instead of eating an english some strawberries and nuts dont eat anything from a package and the weight will fall off!
incredible! you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is amazing! great, great, great job!!!! went from a 22 to a 12? or a 32 to a 12? what is considered a size? I would think going from size 22 to 12 would be going down 5 sizes not 10. since there is no size 21. it skips. e.g. size 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12? thoughts? maybe i am overanalyzing LOL
you look amazing! great inspiration! i started at 245 and am currently at 195. my goal is 10 more lbs. so i can relate to what you have been through! :D thanks for the motivation!
wow, big loss! you look amazing! great job lady!!!!!!
i say go for it! if you have the energy and time, do it girl! i bike 11 miles to and from work every day. So, I technically work out twice every day :D it has done nothing but help me reach my goals! some days I also do extra exercise after i get home!
plz add me!
i trained for several months for a half marathon and GAINED 5 lbs over 3 months of training. I was over 200lbs at the time and was running all the time but my diet wasnt in check. I was running and then eating ice cream...FAIL I have lost about 55lbs now and started running again at about my 40lb loss. running does wonders…
yay for whole 30 and paleo! I will add you. :D
well I am not surprised with mine at all! 1. COFFEE (duh!) 2. Apple 3. Coconut Milk 4. Coconut Butter 5. Avocado 6. Baby spinach 7. Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice 8. Applegate Turkey Bacon 9. Chicken taco salad 10. Chicken breast
I avoid processed foods 95% of the time. I eat clean mostly and love it. processed foods make me feel fat and like crap. after i eat processed foods i immediately regret it. yet, they are my drug...I still go back 5% of the time. however, I dont eat ding dongs and stuff but have been known to scarf down french fries from…
I avoid processed foods 95% of the time. I eat clean mostly and love it. processed foods make me feel fat and like crap. after i eat processed foods i immediately regret it. yet, they are my drug...I still go back 5% of the time. however, I dont eat ding dongs and stuff but have been known to scarf down french fries from…
always a salad, no dressing here are my fav places 1. chipotle salad. lettuce, chicken, fajitas vegies, salsa and guac! so yummy! 2. burrito beach! (organic and grass fed beef!!!), lettuce, barbacoa, salsa and gauc! 3. qdoba: lettuce, chicken, zuchinni blend, salsa and guac do you notice a trend here? LOL for non-mex: 1.…
you have only been paleo for 4 weeks and by your post you have already cheated several times. any time i had a cheat I felt like crap fora several days after, have significant bloating and gas and constipation..if you do cheat...why not save a cheat for something special (anniversary dinner, party, etc.) not just a normal…
you look great. but....I am anti bikini. I dont see the point. why not wear a modest suit at a size 2 or 20? My bra and underwear cover more of my body than most bikini's (and no, I dont wear granny panties). I guess I am just more modest than most people.
Chicago Illinois!!!!!!!!!!! Love the city :D
I still have 15lbs but I will stop taking BC and get pregnant ASAP once I reach it :D whole reason i am losing weight is to have a healthy pregnancy!
GAINED? no way LOL you look amazing! great work girly! thanks for the much needed inspiration