

  • I am 5' 1 1/2! lol. I weigh 215 (YIKES). I gained about 80 pounds in one year six years ago and havent been able to lose it. Before I Gained the weight I was 127.. I was still a size nine though because I was not toned at all. I want to tone up whille i lose weight so i think 130 will be a good weight because of the…
  • Hey ladies!! I want to join this thread! I just got the dvd and will be starting it tomorrow (I am getting a dvd player tonight because i just moved)! Cant wait! anyone seeing any results?
  • Hey! I have pcos as well and have a hard time with weight loss. I would love a support system who knows what i am going through!
  • Youre adorable! How long did it take you to do this? what was your diet and excersize routine like? :) thanks
  • Well Itried the zumba toning last night and holy cow! If thats not burning fat I dont know what is! :) It was great!
    in Zumba Comment by amorvincit105 May 2011
  • Loud music wont discourage me! Loud dance music gts me pumped up!!! :)
    in Zumba Comment by amorvincit105 May 2011
  • I'm tryin zumba for the first time tonight and can't wait! I am doing it because I have a hard time excersizing more than 30 mins at a time so hopefully this will be fun! As far as the guy who made the joke.. I think we shold all take a deep breath and calm down just a smidge :) He apologized and I think that being the…
    in Zumba Comment by amorvincit105 May 2011
  • i'm curious too
    in Zumba Comment by amorvincit105 May 2011