

  • I had my surgery January 27 2014. I have lost 63lbs since surgery, 75lbs if including the pre op diet. I am pretty disappointed as I wanted to be further along towards my goal by now. My weight loss has really slowed down and I'm considering doing the 5 day pouch test. Has anyone here done it?
  • My surgery is on Monday. Very excited/nervous/scared/happy. Mixed bag at this point!
  • I'm 100lbs overweight. Actually more than that if I'm aiming for what "they" say I should weigh, around 125lbs. My goal though is about 140. Anyway, I highly recommend Leslie Sansone Walk dvd's. Some laugh at them but it's a fairly simple dvd that will definitely make you sweat. My husband is a soldier and despite him…
  • I finally hit 10lbs today, the start of week 3. But in all honesty I lost 9lbs the first week and a half. So instead of something impressive like 3lbs per week I dropped 9 and then it took me 1.5 week to lose 1lb. Of course, to echo the crowd, everyone is different.
  • True story right there! This is good to know. I lost about 15lbs with MFP last year but then stopped. I was eating very healthy 95% of the time but freaked out when it came to old favorites and sometimes would binge. I have started again with mostly healthy foods but still eat small portions of the other foods so that I…
  • Thank you all for the replies!
  • thanks everyone! i'm going to take it easy..just hard for me to do. i've been sitting on the extra weight forever and now that i'm doing something about it this has to happen. it will pass soon enough though.
    in separated rib Comment by lovex5 May 2011