aynajane Member


  • Every day...sometimes more than occe a day. But I only count the morning weigh-in. It is really interesting to see how my body fluctuates. Weighing myself alot works for me as a motivator...I need to see those numbers as a form of rewarding my behavior. Different methods work for different people. :)
  • A strapless dress! I am just not happy with my upper arms. Plus, my bust would draw waaaaay too much attention right now. Losing the weight and toning my arms and hopefully next summer I will be able to rock it proudly!!!! Maybe something cute and flirty...like this: Strapless Dress with Circle Embroidery:…
  • Great introduction! I too, began to gain weight without really having a clear picture of what my body was turning to. I didn't own a scale and didn't really realize how big I got until it was too late. When I met my (will be) husband, he was fairly skinny and I was curvy but within porportion. Then we just ate and watched…
  • I'm in! ♥ Mini-challenges and I always seem to miss them in the feeds. :)
  • I take probiotics. Heard about it from my mum, her doctor recommended it. The brand I use is Philips Colon Health, its a purple box, runs about $13.50 for 30 pills (1 a day). I found it cheapest at Target, I know that does not help, but if you do an internet search you should find it pretty easily. The Dr recommended it to…
  • Good one! I'm in and one serving down already (carrots for breakfast) :)
  • I look forward to these min-challenges, I'm in! @ work now so...a couple more hours til I complete :)
  • Me, too! I too, will be doing these @ work today! Great mini-challenege :)
  • My cleavage is the only thing I will be sad to see get smaller on me, ha!
  • Once or twice a week we do a crusted fish. Giant (as do most supermarkets) have bags of frozen fish,like Tilapia in their seafood section. Each bag has about 12-14 fish and its usually around $14.00. The night before we take 2 fish out of the freezer and put in the fridge. Each fish is packaged seperately and the freezer…
  • I so so so cannot wait until I can claim this victory! I have ruined many a jeans that are prefect in every other way but there. Its very discouraging! Congrats to you!
  • Welcome, from one Marylaner to another. I, too, am fairly new and I have to tell you after only a week I really love this world. I think you will too. :)
  • Hi, I am new here! I would def like to lose that much. I am starting out simple but 60 would put me in fantastic shape! I would love to be added. As I said, this is only my 2nd day here! :)