

  • I would only use that scale if I LOST 20lbs every few hours. :smile:
  • My mom was signing both me and my older sister up for gymnastics one summer. I heard her talking on the phone to the instructor and asked if we would be able to do all the activities because we were both chubby. At the time, I know I was not chubby, but I sure seemed to balloon up after that comment. Needless to say, I try…
  • has some great suggestions for families and exercise. My daughter and I have been filling out the weekly goal sheet and making plans of what we want to do together. We haven't quite gotten into a routine yet, but we like planning out the week and seeing what we can accomplish. I believe there is a section…
  • There was a question about this in Shape magazine this month. If I can find my copy, I will post what it said. It seemed to me that it was pretty normal and nothing to worry about.
  • I have learned over the last few years that when someone doesn't know what your expectations are they can never reach them. I am always hoping for flowers for my birthday, but I never get any. This year I posted on facebook that people could send me flowers to my work address. Five bouquets later I realized that since no…