

  • Is it meant to be done every day? I did the first 2 days at level one on Sunday and last night. It was tough! What size weights does everyone use? I used 5 lb, but I had a lot of trouble with the move that is a side lunge with a raise. I was barely raising my arms at the end. I am about to finish C25K ( I completed Week 9,…
  • I finished Week 9, Day 2 yesterday. Only one more day to go --- I am not doing 5k yet in the 30 minute run, but hopefully I will be able to finish my 5k on Sept. 18.
  • The best program (for me) has been C25K ( It is a 9-week program that takes you from a couch potato to a 5k. You start off slowly, a little running with your walking, and work your way up. I am currently in week 7 and can run 25 minutes straight, and when I started I couldn't run 2 minutes without almost…
  • Wow, that's really interesting. No wonder it is getting easier (maybe less hard would be more accurate!) on my body. Thank you so much for your kind words of support. It has been quite a journey so far (not just the running, but everything else) and I hope I can make this a lifelong change. I will be doing w7d2 tonight, no…
  • I finished week 6 on Saturday. Yes, I ran for 25 minutes straight. I am not very fast, but I was pretty proud of myself out there. I have new custom orthotics that have helped tremendously. No more foot pain. I tried jogging this spring but it never worked out for me. Granted, I was 30 pounds heavier at the time. If I…
  • I bought the Lululemon "The Bust Stops Here" in 38DD. It is unbelievable! The only problem is, I bought it at an outlet while on vacation and now I find out that it has been discontinued. Before this one, I had a Moving Comfort Maia bra in 40DD, it was really good but the bottom band rolled a bit. The Lululemon is perfect.…
  • Yay! Did Week 5, Day 1 this evening and I SURVIVED! I am super slow, but I just keep going... and I made it. One foot in front of the other... I got some custom orthotics today, so I am looking forward to trying them out (I have to wear them for a bit to get used to them before attempting running in them, according to the…
  • Finished Week 4 this morning. I am trying not to look ahead too much. It was hard but doable, I think it was more mental than physical. I keep telling myself that a couple of months ago, I would never have been able to complete this. Looking forward to a challenging week 5.
  • Wow, way to go! You have reason to be really proud! I didn't think I would be able to survive the 5 minutes once, let alone twice... I would say give week 5 a try and stop if you need to or just do week 4 over again. Just think of all you have accomplished so far!
  • k8es, I just did w4d1 this morning. Tough, yes, but I made it. I was so proud of myself (still on a bit of a high from it) for finishing both 5 minute runs. I kept trying to trick myself by overestimating when the 5 minutes would end... I tried not to check the time on my iPod so I could be pleasantly surprised when it…
  • Survived Week 3! And... I actually got my butt out of bed at 6 this morning to complete w3d3. It was awesome... I am nervous about next week though... week 4 seems to kick things to a whole new level. How did you all find it?
  • Burn to Run by Bruce Springsteen (to get things started and warm up) Till I Collapse by Eminem (put it in your playlist at the spot where you might want to give up) You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette (good angry song) It Takes Two by Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones Spot You in a Coalmine by…
  • How is everyone doing? I am on W3D2 this evening. I love the evening sessions - the weather is cooler, I don't have to lather myself in sunscreen, and there are far less people. I treated myself to a new pair of Asics running shoes and feel a huge difference. I am dealing with planter fasciitis in one heel but I am hanging…
  • I will be doing w2d3 this evening... and I did sign up for a 5k run on September 18th! Hopefully this will keep me going and I'll finish the program...
  • I am on Week 2, Day 2, which I will be doing this evening. I am thinking of signing up for a 5 k run for late September for motivation. It is a run / walk event, so it won't matter how slow I am! I feel great each time I do it, mostly because after doing all my working out in a basement gym here at work, being outside in…