deegrimes95 Member


  • Hi, add me please, need loads of help being good!
  • Hi Allan, the pain is continuous but it's worse during certain activities like going upstairs. You are probably right, I went from an 8 mile long run to a 12 mile, I'm crap at maths but I'd say that's more than 10% so I'm not sure what distance I should be doing when I go back running, more than 12 or less? Thanks for your…
  • Can't swim but I could walk if the worst comes to the worst, not the same kick though! I've been resting it now for two days and no let up from the pain yet, I suppose I need to give it another few days?
  • Didn't see the doc, last time I saw her for a running injury she sent me to someone who's advice was to stop running! Not what I needed to hear, even my doc agreed that was bad advice. So I am reluctant to go back now so I am just resting it, icing it and I just took an anti inflammatory.
  • Wow you must be healthy! If you don't mind me asking, if you don't add oil that must reduce your cooking methods right? And how do you dress a salad? I will google these doctors, I've just started checking out no meat athlete and I like his advice so far. I'd love to hear more about your experience, do you need to take any…
  • Hey, I'm from Ireland and have an 18 year old son who is on the spectrum, so I said I'd get in touch, I don't know what a vlc diet is but I will be trying to lose a few stone myself, we could encourage each other! Take care,
  • I'm in a similar situation, I'm 39 need to lose some pounds and tried using mfp before but got out of the habit, we can be friends if you like!
  • I'm a vegan and just getting back to healthy eating and mfp after falling off the bandwagon so I'll encourage you if you like! Stay away from the chicken! You can get loads of protein as a veggie just google vegetarian protein!
  • I just got a Fitbit charge too, add me please!
  • Ok, thanks for all the input, some interesting information there, Kalikel, I think it is a good idea to ask my doctor she is a straight shooter!
  • Hey guys, Im also in Ireland and just started with my fitnesspal 8 days ago, badly need to lose some weight! What exercises have ye been doing? I have gone back to my old favorite running which i had to stop for a few years because of a knee injury/busy life etc etc! that was how i piled on the pounds again but i am…