Clean Eating Vegetarian Newbie: HELP!


I fell off the clean eating band wagon but I'm getting back to it. This time around I'm a veggie. I made myself a bit sick last time eating too much meat and it put me off it, though I do miss chicken if I'm honest. So I'm looking for a few friends who manage to clean eat, train and follow a veggie/vegan diet and learn how you manage/fit in your protein. Non veggie friends all welcome too :smiley:


  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    'Clean' eating is a misnomer. Eating meat does not make you sick. If you like chicken and you miss it, then eat it. It's good for you, and your body needs the lean protein chicken offers. Learn to eat foods in moderation, meeting your calorie goals, and you won't need to worry about "falling off the wagon", because you will be meeting your calorie goals, eating foods you like, and still losing the weight you want.
  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    Check out the clean eating group.

    You won't get many helpful responses in the main forums.
  • deegrimes95
    deegrimes95 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a vegan and just getting back to healthy eating and mfp after falling off the bandwagon so I'll encourage you if you like! Stay away from the chicken! You can get loads of protein as a veggie just google vegetarian protein!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You see already the 'falling off the bandwagon' theme repeats. Why should you stay away from the chicken if you like it? Unless there is some medical reason not to eat it, eat what you like in moderation and you won't have to worry about the stress of 'falling off the wagon'.
  • RachaelKCH75
    RachaelKCH75 Posts: 2 Member
    Check out the clean eating group.

    You won't get many helpful responses in the main forums.
    You don't say lol! :D Thank you, I have joined the clean eating group!

    Deegrimes95 worry not! no intention of eating the chicken, just more so miss the convenience or buying it cooked as a snack. I don't eat processed foods and avoid 'lowfat' chemical shitstorms so it's a bit tricky. Thank you, I'm looking for friends to share diaries and pick each others brains so that would be good!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Check out the clean eating group.

    You won't get many helpful responses in the main forums.
    She can get plenty of helpful answers, just not the ones you think would be helpful.
  • bcschulz
    bcschulz Posts: 95 Member
    I've been eating a vegetarian diet for about 4 months. My diary is open for friends. Add me. I share recipes and log in everyday. I've lost 55 pounds since I started.