Another bridge-phobe here! (Gephyrophobia, I believe.) I get terrible vertigo and feel like I'm going to pass out if I happen to look up at the suspension towers/cables. It gives me terrible anxiety to cross bridges (suspension or not).
Q. What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? A. Doyouthinkhesawrus
He thought I didn't like dogs for some reason.
She thought I was being unfaithful, but my comments were just delayed.
He read something I said about tattoos being sorta played out and got offended. :bigsmile:
I wasn't adorable enough
I just wasn't "The One"...
We both have celiac :bigsmile:
The phone is ringing, ohmygawd
I'll never give up Kerrygold Irish Butter and really good pastured eggs. Ice cream has got to go though...
Married, talking about kissable lips =0