

  • Kennagonzalez - Sad to say sometimes I get a headache just thinking that I SHOULD have a headache since I hadn't had any caffeine yet that day. A lot of it is mental and you just need to try and stay positive... just think that it's your body getting healthier! And Linda, you're still doing great! Just take it one day at a…
    in Results! Comment by schmergs April 2013
  • Hello all! I'm Ashley, 25, 5'5" and 160 pounds. I have also tried Weight Watchers, calorie counting and many other things. I started FMD on Monday, but then had 2 different events this weekend that just completely threw me off... so now I will be starting anew on Monday. I also need to study the food lists more because I…
  • I got the sprouted wheat bread from Trader Joe's that's flour free, I think maybe that's what she was going for when it says wheat free.