

  • That's the spirit! I actually ate beyond my 1200 calorie limit today since I've been craving for Japanese food. I gave in to the temptation and eventually did a 60 minute cardio to compensate. Thank you for all the wonderful people who keeps on adding me. I feel more inspired in achieving my goal because of your…
  • Hi! Thank you for those who added me as a friend. Let us continue inspiring one another. Keep those posts coming :)
  • ^ hi, dear! What's your work? I'm working as a part time online writer since I don't have my license as a nurse yet. I can totally relate to your situation. Working from home is great but it has its consequences too. What kind of workout are you doing now? I added you as a friend :)
  • You might feel ridiculous at first, but I have never felt better after a workout than how I felt after 35 minutes of Insanity. Its totally worth it. [/quote] Thanks for the motivation! I’ll start it tomorrow morning. By the way, anyone here who feels reallllly sleepy after working out? That’s my problem and I really sleep…
  • Welcome! Please feel free to add me :)
  • Thank you. It's comforting to know that someone else is also experiencing what I'm going through. I'll look into the workout that you shared. Having short and fat thighs made me look like a walking orange :(
  • Wow that's nice! I just downloaded a free copy from a torrent online. I also got a 60 day plan on what workout to use per day. I just haven't tried it because I'm too shy and other people in our neighborhood might see that I'm working out and I look ridiculous while doing it. hehe. I'll try to wake up early to start doing…
  • Thank you, Blue I've added you. I'm actually a nurse and I've been diagnosed with PCOS. Women with polycystic ovaries are having a harder time to lose some weight because of our hormonal imbalance. If you're looking for girls who are going through the same thing, please feel free to add me. I can also help you understand…
  • Hi Prissy! Please add me as a friend so we can cheer each other while we're working on our fitness goals. Congratulations on having a new bundle of joy :)
    in Buddy? Comment by acylhalide August 2014
  • Hi, HOTMOMMA_30 Thanks for sharing your experience. Where did you get the Bikini Mommy Challenge? I'm happy that you've seen results. How many pounds do you need to lose? :) Please add me as a friend. We can support and inspire each other.
  • Hi, thanks for adding me! Anybody here tried Insanity? It looks promising. It can be a great alternative to gym when it's rainy here :P
  • Welcome! I would be very happy to have you as my fitness buddy.
  • Please count me in! I'm interested to share my passion for fitness and health with you guys. Let's be fitness buddies :)