jstrun Member


  • I follow the NROLFW program which is really suppose to be done 3 x week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) they say no more, I am trusting in the book, so far doing it 3 days a week works well for me, i'm still only on stage 1 though and then it leaves me the weekends for my long runs. and tuesday and thursday i get my shorter…
  • lose the treadmill!!!! go outside...I can't last more than 20 mins on a treadmill SO BORING!
  • Everyone is a "runner" some just love doing it more than others! You should try C25K program if you want to start learning to run and maybe loving to run...I never thought i'd be a runner, and just over a year of starting that program I ran my first full marathon 2 weeks ago.
  • Your body also gets used to the food you are eating, if you are constantly eating protein bars all day, maybe switch it up to some "real" food. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great full body work out 3 x week for newbie lifters, I am a runner, with no upper body strength so I just started this program and although it…
  • If you want to lift - i suggest getting a beginner plan like New Rules of Lifting which you have to commit to 3 x week i believe and then do whatever cardio you prefer. like the poster above said, what are your personal goals? that will help determine what you should be doing.
  • apple and organic peanut butter granola with milk/yogurt hummus and veggies granola bars apple with goat cheese and pecans with balsamic vinegar drizzled over top
  • Totally trying this weekend!
  • also I have a long commute to work so on my drive to the train station i have a protein shake and 10 almonds....later once at work and settled i'll have my granola protein boost with milk. Lots of protein in the morning to keep me going...need to add some fruit somewhere though.
  • damnit now i want breakfast food for dinner!
  • I am by no means a fish connoisseur so i'm wondering how the salmon burgers taste??? are they fishy tasting at all? like when you open a can of tuna, i run the other way it smells WAY too fishy...but I've eaten salmon before (fresh) and loved it!
  • Mainly Fish...i'm still terrible at cooking it myself, but whenever i go to restaurants, even if I want a burger, I'll choose the salmon burger over a beef burger with bacon.
  • You can speak for "a good majority" and "MOST" of the members here? Alrighty, then. Despite your knowledge of "MOST" people, scientific fact indicates that "MOST" people get fat from putting an excess of calories/food into their body without the appropriate physical activity to offset this excess. It isn't rocket science.…
  • this thread! now i'm hungry!!! Nutella...oh glorious nutella...i could eat you from a jar...poor you over anything and everything. Butter chicken from this ONE restaurant...doesn't get much better then that...i could fill a swimming pool and swim in it.... yes i'm a fatty. :smile:
  • make your own frozen entrees...spend 1 sunday making 10 servings of something or 5 of on recipe and 5 of the other and freeze them. boom 2 weeks worth of lunches.
  • You can always improve your time...you haven't been running long you still have lots of room for improvement. Strength training, higher weekly milleage will all help. I am 23, 5ft6 still very overweight and I run usually a 9:50 min / mile for shorter distances (10K max) another over that i run an 11 min / mile usually.
  • My SO and I got the book New Rules of Lifting and we follow that plan 3 x week together and then as I am a runner, I run alone on the other days of the week, but at least it gets him out to the gym, because usually he doesn't tend to go alone, but loves going with me. Its a great plan for new weight lifters.
  • I use New Rules of Lifting for Women and I am still on stage 1 but it only takes me about 45 mins to do the weights and i usually run 2 miles before and after but thats because I liek to run...in stage 1 there are only 5 exercises, i'm wondering what you are doing differently than me? maybe I'm missing something? please…
  • I envy her!
  • Congrats!
  • I know what you are saying, usually a good hot shower for me warms me right up. or i'll take a bath and just soak in the heat...it does help though to not go from FREEZING cold to really hot in the house...I usually hang out in the garage, drink my powerade...let my body warm up a bit from outside and then go inside the…
  • people who mention taking the next day off work - I thought that would have been a good idea, but wasn't able to take the next day off work and I think I am better off for it. If i took the day off i would have just sat around and barely moved, but instead I had to walk 10 mins from my train station to work, walk around…
  • Way to go! great job!
  • - crossing the finish line is overwhelmingly emotional and worth all the pain you felt in those past 26.2 miles - like derekj222 said...it will suck! there will come a time when you realize this was the stupidest thing you had ever decided to do, and then you'll see the finish line and forget you even had those negative…
  • I was hesitant to post my results on here, but hey fastest or not I am damn proud!!! I ran my first marathon yesterday at the Niagara International Marathon and my first 21K split was 2:36 but then at mile 16, my legs broke on me...I got MASSIVE charlie horses that at every .5 miles i had to stop and rub them out to keep…
  • don't trust the aid stations - always pack enough, especially if you are a slower runner...they tend to get more and more empty as you reach the end.
  • I ran the Niagara International Marathon yesterday!! It was my first marathon ever!
  • I wear a watch but even then, i plan on finding a pace bunny for my time frame that i feel I can accomplish based on my previous training. Its hard to know what your comfortable pace is without having run with a watch on your long runs (in my opinion) if you are going to be running lots more, I would invest in a good watch…
  • really not a bad idea about drinking lots...i find that i really dont drink enough after a long run...i will try it and see if it helps!