jstrun Member


  • every race i've ever done allowed music, and to be honest if they didn't there are way too many people to keep track of that. Race day is always easier, because you are so pumped up and the crowd of people everywhere along the course keep you movitivated and moving IMO.
  • I second audio books, when I was training for my full marathon, I listened to audio books when I was getting the bored itch coming...around 15-20 KM I would plug it in to get me past the last 10 - 15 KM.
  • I was looking for the same thing as you! I have found that New Rules of Lifting for Women has worked for me, its 3 days a week, and its a full body work out each time. I usually run 4 miles then go lift and then on my off days I run my Tempos / hills / speed / longer runs, whatever works. Now that I am on the off season of…
  • you suck it up and feed your body what its asking for, if you're body is hungry and its just not simply boredum eating, then you need to feed it, and just try to feed it as healthy as possible. Have some starchy veggies if you get hungry before lunch (usually works for me!) Not every day is like this, if I go over my…
  • Low fat or non fat cream cheese is great to add into mashed cauliflower...it helps make it creamy without the calories of butter or cream. I usually use the low fat herb and garlic cream cheese...delicious!
  • I would lift weights probably Monday Tuesday and Thursday, I Lift only 3 times a week though, and run on the other days. I do full body work outs though, so I'm sure you could lift Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday but targetting a different body part each day in order to give your other muscles a rest (i.e. Back…
  • I've lost 80 lbs and I have a lot more to go (50-60), but I was told if you lose it slowly and lift often it should help minimize it, I myself too have been of overwight my entire life, but I carried my weight really well, so fingers crossed! for you as well! Good luck!
  • I eat a smart ones or healthy choice every day at lunch. When i started my weight loss journey I started with Weight watchers and I made everything as convenient as possible so that in the beggining i didnt give up so easily. eventually I started making more home made things but one thing that stuck was their frozen meals…
  • I love cliff bars, you can get them at costco for cheap! I like them after long runs, because I find they are saltier then my Pure protein bars.
  • Your comments are slightly judgeful of those of us who let our weight get to a point of such extreme. Yes gaining weight is a choice, to a certain extent. Some of us didn't chose to be this way and you telling me that I got fat was my choice, you don't know what people's lives are like, mental issues can lead to eating…
  • mmmm reese's. I love making my own bark, and now that christmas is around, i'll be using crushed candy canes! yummy!
  • I wouldn't count your daily walking and activity as calories burned, only whatever you do as actual physical activity (eliptical, going for a walk, running etc)
  • they have these tents too that fit your hands that you can uravel and pop up as change rooms...we use those when we do our annual run to the CN tower.
  • it's -18 C here...you're better off where you are...just run at night or early in the morning when the sun is down...running in winds that feel like they are cutting your skin is much worse...trust me. I will take 44 degrees to workout in any day over -18.
  • anything over 10 miles is long run for me, where I need to plan a bit more for...under that i just get up and go and sometimes end up running further than anticipated!
  • i've never had a philly cheese steak...not really popular up here. but poutine on the other hand... *drool*
  • running i wear seamless panties from victoria secret...they are the only ones that keep me from chaffing on long runs...otherwise i just wear normal conton panties...i could care less about panty lines when im running around or working it at the gym...if you want to stare at my panty lines on my *kitten* go for it :)
  • mmmm McGriddle....best creation ever.
  • and by lathers i meant *layers*
  • I heat up pretty quickly...got my own natural lathers of insulation going on still...so i'm not a fan of thick hats. I do however love my lululemon hat with the pony tail hole. its the same material as their head bands so not very thick, but i find it keeps my head warm when running in -5 degree weather...if its windy, I…
  • running a full marathon...physically and mentall the hardest thing i've ever done, yet the happiest moment of my life crossing that finish line.
  • Honestly confidence is key. like above posters said, know what your going to do, memorize it if you have to, or put on your phone. walk in there like you are a regular and just put some headphones on and do your thing...everyone is ALWAYS going to judge and i'm sure you judge them just as much...I know i judge the people…
  • Presidents Choice Candy Cane Ice Cream - it comes out at christmas time only and I am guilty of buying at least 5 tubs over the span of 2 months...**runs away in shame**
  • I strongle suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women....its got stages that make you progress slowly to lifting more. Its very easy to follow and 3 x week. I am currently following but still on stage one (16 workouts for stage 1) and i really enjoy it
  • I'd like to say never, because I love it so much, but like others said, I will stop when it stops making me so damn happy. I wish you the best of luck with your struggles. I suffered a fractured foot, and torn MCL this year...and that could'nt stop me because I loved it. If you don't love it, don't push yourself to love it.
  • i would stick to just doing cardio unless you have a weight lifting plan you follow...swim laps, use the cardio machines...2 days isn't much time away from working out...maybe just enjoy the break?
  • I live in the frozen tundra that is canada and I am a runner who HATES the treadmill. Suck it up and continue walking! there are so many things you can do outside in the snow and ice...I take my previous season runners and put screws in the bottom so they are great for running on ice and snow...people train for marathons…
  • the C25K really is the beginning other than just walking or resistance training...I suggest you just start that, your jogging should be slower than your actual walk if you are REALLY new to it all.
  • I wish I could find the time to work out twice in one day!!! damn long commute to work! but I do know a lot of people who will run on their lunch (which i can't do because i sweat profusely!) and then run after work, or run in the morning and lift after work. Really whatever works best with your schedule! Like others said,…