

  • I really like this idea! I have caught myself in that "my diet starts tomorrow" mind frame for the past few months! And every day I would tell myself that tomorrow would be my new start, so that current day would be my last chance to eat all the stuff I wanted to (as a result I'd then binge on thai food, pizza, and ice…
  • I've been on diet plans before where they recommend not eating past a certain time. I've read books that say late at night is the worst time to be eating since your body doesn't need the energy (as opposed to earlier in the day when you'll still be active and need that fuel). I've tried to cut out late night eating since…
  • I like to start every day with a smoothie for breakfast. It's super easy, only takes about 5 minutes and you can take it with you on the way to work if you're really in a rush. I"ll throw the following into a blender and it fills me up: Green smoothie - raw spinach, strawberries (or any other berries you like), almond…
  • I've come back to MFP because I want to use it as a tracking tool rather than counting every single calorie. I'd say if you're following a whole foods and plant based diet you're probably doing alright! Eating more raw fruits and veggies and cutting out processed foods is really the way to go to lose weight (whether you're…
    in Stuck at 190 Comment by NSP310 July 2013
  • If you make them right they'll definitely fill you up! One of my favorite smoothies is almond milk, spinach (it's not as gross as it sounds!), strawberries, blueberries, and ground flaxseed. Adding flaxseed or chia seeds adds protein that will fill you up. And as long as you've got enough fruits and veggies you should feel…
  • I have the same problem. In the past I would stock my fridge with Lean Cuisine frozen pizzas. They're still not super healthy BUT at least you know exactly how many calories you're eating (instead of grabbing a slice from the corner store or other late night fast food). Or I'd keep saltines in my pantry. They're salty, not…