

  • I agree, I think you should work out when it's best for you - when you can fit it in and when you'll give the best effort. For me, it's in the mornings, not first thing though. I get up and drop the kids off then head back home to work out. I am lucky since I work from home. I have 1-2 hours (depending on the day) from the…
  • I have come to the conclusion that I will never wear a bikini again. I've birthed two children and have the stretch marks to prove it. With that being said - I def want to rock a tankini or super cute one piece next summer!!!
  • I love Leslie's DVD's. Been doing them off and on for years. I stray once in a while but I always come back.
  • 1. Thank you for calling __________; how may I help you? 2. Report sent to ______ or report uploaded to _______ website 3. Kristal, Robert, Angelena, Gerrie, Cathy, Tracy (emails to people in my dept) 4. Thanks 5. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
  • Don't wear it all that often but for some reason have a few bottles: Britney Spears Fantasy Aquolina Pink Sugar Prada Candy Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy (roller ball) Vera Wang Princess (roller ball) Harajuku Lovers G (roller ball) DKNY Be Delicious (gave to my daughter)
  • I know I am RAVENOUS right before my period. Like I could eat the whole house. Not sure if there's a way around those feelings. I just try to stay aware of what I'm eating and maybe add in some more exercise to account for the cravings I do give in to.
  • I hear ya... I had a similar start weight and have lost just about 30 lbs (still a long way to go). I can barely see the difference but man oh man can I feel it. I feel smaller, clothes are looser, etc. Do you have a photo of yourself at your start weight? Take a photo now and put them side by side. I bet you see the…
  • I've done WW three times and each time I gained the weight back. I do think their program works (to an extent). If you are totally new to the idea of changing your diet then yes they can teach you about portion control and making better choices. I don't think they really give you information about changing your lifestyle…
  • I took Phentermine when I was trying to lose weight for my wedding (8 years ago). I lost alot of weight however I was also in the gym EVERY DAY. Phentermine definitely helped suppress my appetite but you also have to work at it and still make good choices. When I got close to my goal weight I stopped taking it and got…
  • There are already some great suggestions noted. I can only agree with them. Check out youtube and the library for exercise. Food wise: frozen veggies, rice, pasta, beans, etc are all typically low cost. Not sure how many people you need to feed but a rotisserie chicken (4.99 at Costco) can be used for a variety of things.…
  • I think all of her programs start with one mile. There should be a variety of 1 mile DVD's available. Check out the walkathome site, amazon, or ebay.
  • Ha ha, just drank a serving of this. It's actually not bad. Kind of sweet but not overly so. A little thick but again not too bad. This was my first Bolthouse smoothie/drink. I think I'll try some other flavors down the road as well.
  • Awesome dedication, congratulations on your success.
  • 1, How long did you plan? About two years. Hubby's sister was also engaged and planning at the same time. We didn't want to get married the same year so we spaced things out. 2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? Total was about $7,000 ($3,000 gift from husband's parents…
  • 1. I don't think you are lazy. I think you are a single mom who works and just has nothing left to give herself. Women have a tendency to place all others before themselves. You are not alone in this. 2. You already made the first step by admitting your faults and knowing that you want/need to change. 3. I have done this…
  • 4 lbs in one month is awesome!!! Sounds like you are right on track for healthy and sustainable weight loss.
  • It's basically cardio so sure, bring on the dancing!!!
  • Looking good!!!
  • I got mine at a local boutique (Maryland). and padi $1,000 - 8 years ago. It was a Maggie Sottero in antique gold. Gorgeous color and looked fabulous with my skin tone. Loved it and still love it.
  • Whoa!! You look fantastic!!!
  • I'm not sure myself. I had read 60-70% was the "fat burning" zone but then I also heard that it was actually 70-80%. I just aim to stay somewhere in the middle (more towards 70%). I would think as long as you keep moving you'll get where you want to be. Not sure how true this is either but I've also read that working out 3…
  • Salad topper, egg topper, potato topper, chicken topper... the choices are endless really.
  • Wow, you look amazing!!! You give me hope. My starting weight was 280 (although I am shorter). I know I'll get there someday.
  • Excellent!! You look great - and so happy :)
  • Coffee with cream and Splenda, oatmeal, and a small apple = 246 calories
  • My digital scale does the same thing and it's driving me absolutely batty. I need a triple beam scale or something!!! Gonna try the dumbell test and see what it says...
  • I'm slightly confused. You said you spend $75 on groceries per week but this is actually more than $250 worth of food with the cost brought down with coupons and savings cards. That should be alot of food (alot more than it sounds like you are getting). But that wasn't the point of your post... I sort of had a similar…
  • I guess I'm a "moderation" type too. I don't follow a specific diet - meaning I don't exclude any specific foods. I try to make healthier/better choices but if I want something I'll eat it. I just make sure it fits into my calorie range. My husband and I shoot on a pool league every Thursday so yes I have beer but instead…
  • Awesome!!! You go girl!!
  • Way to go!! You're such an inspiration. My stats are not much different than yours (height and beginning weight). I'm about 20 lbs down so far - still a long way to go.