Same! Add away~~
Added bunches of you!
Same here! Though in reality, I just keep getting pregnant within 30 days of restarting at MFP. This is my third try, and I'm crossing my fingers for no babies anytime soon.
beard~ Okay not a beard now that someone commented. Hair! <3
I'm so nerdy that I started playing Phantasy Star Online 2 with my husband. In Japanese. Oh yeah.
Husband and I met online and are now married with a baby. :)
Must be the update. I was putting 0, maybe I'll try blank.
That's what I thought, but MFP was like "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" -- I think it hates me. Haha.
BABYWEARING!!!!!! I wrap too!!!!!"
Haha -- yeah, it's love! Jillian Michaels is absolutely a serial killer. Straight up. Haha
Apparently can't hit edit on my screen. Grawr. Hot*!
Bahahaha we hurt too much for fun cardio... maybe in a couple days. ;) he massaged my legs for me and had me get in a nice hit bath. Woo! I feel better today... And he just smacked my leg to get my attention and I almost died again. Owwww.
Yep! I didn't play it before the changes but hubby insists it had a makeover. I enjoy it.
Sent you a friend request! I totally get all of it...
Awesome husband high-five! :)
Kicking just seems like such hard work. Driving/flying/teleporting to where you are, making sure I'm dressed for the occasion (ninja outfit, I'd say), kicking you, then driving/flying/teleporting back and changing back into normal people clothing. Just a little much to ask of someone... :D
Rift/SWTOR currently.
Mom of an 18-month-old here. I let my health/weight/self slip after he was born... I'm back and fighting now. :)
Nerds!!!! <3 <3 I get irritated with my husband when he asks if an additional hard drive means he has to reinstall all his games onto the new one (because apparently you can only use 1 hard drive at a time?) -- or puts everything... EVERYTHING... on his desktop. Everything he downloads. Everything he installs. It's all on…
I just cut down on the rice I eat. I also make a mix of barley and rice -- it's only a little hit on the calories, but it adds up after a while. I focus on the side dishes and avoid anything deep-fried.
Programming gets me hot and bothered, doesn't that count for anything? Lol.
Middle Eastern.
A petite blonde with a classy style.
I did really lazy Zumba, which is to say I quarter-assed it. But I wanted to just have that dedicated time that I used to exercise, and I figured "warming up" my body wasn't a bad thing... I almost died anyway, but at least I feel better about having taken the time and *done* it. Ouch!
I'm thinking of doing a low-intensity Zumba session (so instead of being a bouncing log... I'll just be a slightly jiggling one)! But seriously, I can't believe how out of shape I am right now. It's horrifying. As my kid runs around all day long with the energy of ten energizer bunnies... Gahhh. Share some of that with…