MissJES89 Member


  • I have always wondered how it's so successful with regards the 'unlimited' free foods too. Never tried anything but MFP and it has worked so will just stay here. :smile:
  • Looking forward to seeing the ideas in this thread! I regularly use courgette (zucchini??) so far but would love other ideas :)
  • Hi, I lost quite a few pounds and inches doing this back in July/August along with using MFP for careful food logging -can't remember exact results but have them written down somewhere. Where I really think it was most successful at kick starting my new exercise regime using a range of DVDs combined with walking, hiking,…
  • I went for a hike up a big hill which I was terrified of and hadn't been up for years as a result...yesterday managed this without much trouble at all. All the training is definitely making a difference :) Well done everyone!
  • I love exercise DVDs and use a mixture of Jillian Michaels and Davina McCall - other than walking and swimming they're the main exercise I do and they really make you work hard :) I sometimes use Fitness Blender on YouTube too.
  • In November/December I do a lot of singing at various functions. I have a few dresses that I always wear for it and thought I had best try them on as my clothes have been getting so baggy... I put on my favourite one and it literally fell to the ground!! Definitely an NSV but I will really miss that dress!
  • Today I was looking at pictures from work and noticed a girl (head had been cut off) in the background of one. I realised that she was wearing a top I own, while trying to work out who it was I noticed she had the same trousers....eventually clicked that it WAS me haha! Couldn't believe especially how different my arms…
  • Keep going once you've started, I just finished on Friday and have lost 10 inches in total! I didn't do it religiously for 30 days, usually 5 days a week with other workouts interspersed. I started Jillian's Ripped in 30 yesterday and both then and this morning couldn't believe how many of the hard versions of the…
  • I donated blood not all that long after starting using MFP and never even thought about it at the time but fainted - I think there were a combination of reasons but had never had that issue before. So when I'm next allowed to go I will be making sure to have eaten a good number of my calories before going! I'm no expert…
  • I've been using it for a wee while and really like it. I like beating how fast I walked a route the time before :)
  • Hi, I've just been using MFP for a week and this seems like a great idea to keep each other motivated. I live in Scotland, UK and am taking this journey one step at a time. I've never been happy with my weight for as long as I can remember and would eventually like to lose 70lbs but am conscious that this will take time.…
  • Hey, I'm 25 and a teacher too :). Feel free to add me although I'm just new to this site this week.
  • Thanks a lot. I live in the UK so unsure if those marinades are available here as never noticed them but will keep an eye out :)