chustzs Member


  • You'll do better tomorrow I'm sure!
  • Please don't worry about weight loss right now, continue to do all of the right things & your weight will continue to once again fall off. It seems as though you've hit a wall...not to worry - you are not unique. It is quite common; so with that said, watch your calories & not your scale. Keep up the good work!!!!
  • Its hard to say exactly what her (their) issues may be...she may feel food was a bond, like a connection for the two of you. Even so, Congratts, you're doing a wonderful job with your program! Go gettum! Please continue to be my inspiration, I'm just starting my weight loss journey and I'm working our almost everyday - so…
  • My Sista'spiration!!! I'm gonna look just like you when I come down! Thanks for the pix, I needed to see these...keep up the good work! :smile: