sparklypoof Member


  • sounds like that poor coworker is very out of touch w/herself on many levels. mebbe refrain from using "weight" and "fat" - and just talk about fitness and working out, vs. the eating side of things? it'd be a mental exercise for you, sure - but she's super-sensitive about all that kind of talk because I'm sure she thinks…
  • to angusfam5, about the splenda: dunno if you've used that stuff before, but I thought I was doing great things by getting that sweetness in my coffee and zero calories - until it started affecting my whole digestive system!! after reading up on it, I realized my problems (which I thought were somehow diet-related, even…
  • to keep me from rummaging in the kitchen, I turn to crafts. I put on some fun music, and focus on knitting, crocheting, drawing, painting, sewing, paper stuffs - whatever will keep my hands busy and my mind occupied. sometimes 'll try and learn a new stitch, or sometimes 'll end up cleaning out a whole section of crafty…
  • that's awesome!! congrats on your progress :D
  • I just started w/a trainer too, and he mentioned that taking one's body fat % reading with a device (which I found were 20$ on amazon, and am considering buying to check myself regularly) - is MUCH more indicative of progress (along w/measurements) than weight alone. He said, conceivably, you could work hard all month,…
  • almonds are a great snack (and blue diamond makes them in some yummy flavors if you're looking for something beyond just almond-flavor ;). I like fresh apple slices or a banana with peanut butter as a snack, and chiming in to agree on the veggies + hummus - MMM!! :d
  • same for me; 38" bust, 31" waist, 40" hips. finding jeans (or work slacks for that matter) is a PITA!! >:C I also find getting dresses that fit well to be tricky; so many of the styles right now look like sack dresses, and that does nothing but take away any shape that I have! thank goodness for taylored jackets and…
  • Hi! I am new this week as well, and have pulled a few pals over here because I am so impressed with this site's features! I also found out that a few folks I know were already on here, and have connected with them too. I have done calorie counting before, and have always been surprised at the daily tally when you really do…