

  • Count me in. Starting weight 270 Current Weight 234 Memorial Goal 225 Overall Goal 150 by March 2014... I know thats 2 years.. but I will be 50!!!!
  • I did the 5K runner. I completed my first 5k In May and did a second one in December. It really does work.
  • CONGRATS. Such an inspiration! I agree just small goals. Little steps. I started with walking, then started replacing Soda for water... 45 lbs lost in 8 months.. Slow and steady will get me there.
  • CONGRATS. Such an inspiration! I agree just small goals. Little steps. I started with walking, then started replacing Soda for water... 45 lbs lost in 8 months.. Slow and steady will get me there.
  • Having a accountablity partner is Awesome. I walk with 2 girls at work, and it makes all the difference. We dont let each other get away with backing off. We also help each other with our food choices.
  • I have been heavy FOREVER.. This is the first time I have stuck with anything. The keys so far to my success have been W - Walking W - Water W - Watching What I eat W - Women (or men but A SUPPORT SYSTEM of people who will keep you honest with yourself) W - Word I try and lean on the Bible for good scriptures of…
    in Hi, Comment by kfcopeland July 2011
  • I have purchased lo cal snacks and nibble on them. I have increased my fruits as well. Hang in there. It will get better!!!