

  • I've found that eating protein really helps. In the morning, I have a tablespoon of peanut butter on a whole grain english muffin. Sometimes I snack on almonds in the afternoon, just be sure to limit yourself to one serving of fatty nut butters and nuts (read the container to be sure you know how much that is.) Also, if…
  • The worst is the desserts in the Weight Watchers Cookbooks. I made the caramel chocolate brownies from one once, thinking I could eat a regular sized brownie for just over a hundred calories. I didn't realize until after I made them that the calorie amount was for a 1 X 1 inch piece. Really they were not much better for…
  • I use the Weight Watcher's recipe for regular fries all the time. I'm sure it will work with sweet potatoes, too. My fries always turn out nice and crisp. I think it is the sugar/salt solution. This is a delicious lower fat, lower calorie baked french fry--evidently soaking the potatoes in the salt-sugar solution draws out…
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