it's not what you do ONE time that matters, it is what you do MOST of the time, your habits, that make the difference! People who are "naturally thin" sometimes eat bad stuff, they just don't make a habit of it! You are doing great! Jill
I have had "plantar faciitis" in my feet, and had to get orthotics. They have completely solved the problem. Before that I could barely walk. Just my 2 cents!
Wanted to say hi to the other recovering sugar-holic! is such a great resource. I highly recommend it as well. Jill
Also, if you eat so few calories your metabolism will slow down and go into "starvation mode" Your body assumes there is a famine going on and will try to retain as much weight as possible, slowing your progress. AND, you will likely lose muscle mass as well as fat, and since muscle burns more calories than fat, it is…
There are many diets out there that basically stick to zone principles but are simpler. Check out "body for life". The workout portion is great too, but I found the diet portion to be very helpful and zone-like without requiring an advanced math degree. IMO the secret is to keep your blood sugar even so you don't get too…
I laughed when I read that you went through a box of oreos in a week...they don't last a day around here! It's all relative I guess! Jill
I have found that books by Kathleen DesMaisons really helped me to understand why I crave sweets. You mentioned you have depression as well, and it helped me to understand the link between food and mood. Potatoes not Prozac is a great book, despite the awful title. They also have a website, Not…
Maybe try healthy but higher calorie foods...almonds or other nuts, avacado in a salad, a little bit of cheese for calcium. You don't need much of these foods to increase your calories. HTH.
I love that book, I am doing that program right now. It really helps explain many things about how the body works. I also really like the suggestions to eat fibre in the morning and some nuts before a meal, it makes a difference! I saw them on Oprah and the image of all the belly fat really is motivating. Yuk!
I find on weight watchers I often don't eat healthy...I bargain and eat the right amount of points but not on good stuff, you know. Has anyone else found this??
I have fast food addiction as well. I am trying to live on Wendy's oriental chicken salad, without the noodles and not the entire dressing packet. Still, it's hard to pull up to that drive thru and not say...large fries please.