A Question About My Weight Gain?

RicCraig Posts: 12
edited November 2023 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been paying more attention to how people hold their weight because I am curious about my own. My family has a lot of overweight people in it, but I notice with my Uncles and Aunts, their fat is soft and pliable. Not to sound disrespectful, but they jiggle when they move. Myself, I have packed this weight mainly in my stomach, though my legs have gotten thicker, my stomach is like a solid beach ball..... I guess the best comparison would be I've taken the shape of a pregnant woman..... or I look like I have a beer belly.... but I don't drink alcohol.
But, it is solid..... and quite annoying..... last night I fell asleep in my recliner and when I got up in the morning,,,, I had to rock like a pregnant woman to get out of my chair.
I've heard that eating greasy foods causes this sort of weight gain, I don't think I eat that many greasy foods, but if this is the case, I could be wrong. Can anyone explain or verify this for me? Perhaps, if I understand why and how I gain weight it would help to control it..... thank you and have a good day.


  • RicCraig
    I have been paying more attention to how people hold their weight because I am curious about my own. My family has a lot of overweight people in it, but I notice with my Uncles and Aunts, their fat is soft and pliable. Not to sound disrespectful, but they jiggle when they move. Myself, I have packed this weight mainly in my stomach, though my legs have gotten thicker, my stomach is like a solid beach ball..... I guess the best comparison would be I've taken the shape of a pregnant woman..... or I look like I have a beer belly.... but I don't drink alcohol.
    But, it is solid..... and quite annoying..... last night I fell asleep in my recliner and when I got up in the morning,,,, I had to rock like a pregnant woman to get out of my chair.
    I've heard that eating greasy foods causes this sort of weight gain, I don't think I eat that many greasy foods, but if this is the case, I could be wrong. Can anyone explain or verify this for me? Perhaps, if I understand why and how I gain weight it would help to control it..... thank you and have a good day.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Another reason for the "hard" bloat you're describing could be a food allergy. I had an undiagnosed wheat allergy for years which made me very bloated whenever I ate wheat. I've stopped eating wheat, and I lost about four inches in my middle very quickly.

    Just my experience...
  • kesl57
    Try reading the book "You: On a Diet" - In it, the authors (Roizen and Oz, both medical doctors) discuss the different types of fat. There is subcutaneous fat (under the skin - the 'jiggly' stuff), and omentum fat, that is in your abdomen and increases your waistline (this is the typical 'beer gut' look many guys get - it's still fat, but under a layer of muscle, so seems more solid).
    The book is pretty good - has a user friendly approach (silly cartoon characters and 'factoids') and once you get the image of this abdominal fat wrapping itself around your organs and squeezing your lungs (causes the 'wheezing' of many overweight folk - the lungs literally have less room to expand), you will be so motivated to lose the weight (they call it 'waist' management). Suddenly losing weight is not about vanity anymore, it's survival!
  • RicCraig
    Thank you, I'm on my way to the library to get that book. I do have difficulty breathing and I put that off to my smoking but it could be a combination of the both....thanks again.
  • jill
    jill Posts: 11
    I love that book, I am doing that program right now. It really helps explain many things about how the body works. I also really like the suggestions to eat fibre in the morning and some nuts before a meal, it makes a difference!

    I saw them on Oprah and the image of all the belly fat really is motivating. Yuk!
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