

  • Eating the right things is way important no doubt. It helps give your body the nutrients it needs for max benefits and to help your muscles heal properly as well as ligaments and tendons. The cleanse benefits are als more effective when you eat right. That being said if you have the extra calories to spend as long as the…
  • Personally it took me about a month to really notice a difference in muscle tone. That being said I was instructed by the pros I worked with to ditch the scale and pull out the tape measure. That was a tremendous help. Also I do light weights with more reps to keep it toning and not bulking up. I'm really pleased with the…
  • I saw that the other day and forgot all about it. I'm going to the garage right now and we'll just see if I can lose 2" in 5 days. Now I just have to know. Hmmm. The other thing...interesting thought indeed.:glasses:
  • Thank you so much for the valuable info! I'm getting a small notebook tomorrow. AM no prob, the rest of the day is what suffers most especially if I'm out and about. The notebook seems to be a handy tool and I think that may help bunches. :)
  • Jus to be upfront or "real" I am sarcastic sometimes. So I'd like to say, thanks for all the advice and input, it's been extrememly helpful.
  • I did the same thing today and really enjoyed the fact that I could balance out my cals bc I had a good workout. Great job and enjoy.
  • I have to agree with most of the other posts. Twenty minutes of cardio a day is great and you may loose some weight but to be serious about your goals and not be discouraged you probably need some more gym time. If your following a good calorie nutrition plan, then 30 minutes of cardio and weight training 2 to 3 days a…
  • Yes, a definate killer for me. My body totally rejects that stuff and I still occasionally try to eat it. I can't believe I ate that stuff so often. I get the same problems everyone else is talking about and feel so run down and sluggish. One day I hope to be able to go out with friends and just order that darn salad so…
  • I feel your pain on this one! For starters bring a relish tray or fruit tray for your contribution. If you have a good friend working with you ask them if they'll bring something else to help you both out. Next is to fill half your plate with the fresh fruits and veggies then maybe one or two of the less healthy things and…
  • The only real staples for me are frozen veggies and fruit.Whole grain and wheat products/flour since you can make your own.I'm finding going to the market more often for fresh is better for my plan if feasable.
  • I also have trouble with breakfast. My nutritionist showed me what happens when you skip breakfast. Real eye opener. If you skip the first meal you eat stores 80% of your calories as fat and the second meal stores 50%. My plan is 3 carbs, 1 protein. Ex. apple, cheese stick and milk and buttered toast or toast with peanut…
  • If you haven't done any weight training I would suggest that along with any cardio. Plus switching your workouts may help. I also agree with the sodium. It wrecks my body something awful if I don't watch it.
  • You may want to add some iron supplements and boost the dark green leafy's. That helps me sometimes.
  • I think that's true. I've noticed that I'm craving protiens and sometimes fruit since I've lost my almost 30.
  • I've started the process last November right before Thanksgiving. I made appointments with a therapist, nutritionist and started going to zumba classes 2 to 3 times a week. I was actually considering gastric bypass surgery or the lapband and wanted to see if I could do it on my own first. I started losing weight…
  • You are going to hear so much on both side of this coin. Bottom line is this, each and every relationship is just like the people in them. Different! If you both feel that commited and know you're that commited, then yeah of course it'll work out. Communication is key and when you are able to be fully commited in the same…
  • First things first, Yes! He is abusing you, verbally, emotionally and physically. Stop the cycle now and you won't ever look back. Second it sounds like he may be a bit older and possibly divorced. If he has daughters and is behaving this way to you he's ruining their future as well as treating you badly. What he's doing…
  • To make sure I was changing my lifestyle and eating healthier I started by adding the good raw veggies and fruits first then went to a nutrtionist to help with the rest of the changing. It's so hard to get started and see the shedding but stick to it, stay consistent with the workouts and when you hit a plateau, change…
  • You just need to be honest with them. Let them know how hard you have to work to maintain a good and healthy weight. That the whole process is difficult and that they aren't being good supportive friends. Let them know that the junk food actually makes your body sick and just plain uncomfortable. Sounds like they feel…
  • Hey 42 here! I love my age and wouldn't change it at all. I would love my body to be 20something, but who wouldn't? I know what you mean about the energy levels of our younger friends. Some days I'm good but it really slows down with the day. I've found that if I can get my workout done early in the day it's easier and…
  • I'm in, two 5k's this month and a fitness challenge that ends on the 28th. No better way to help hit my goal for the fitness challenge.
  • I believe you answered your own question with your last two sentences. You should probably talk to someone who knows you and understands why you have the anxiety about counting the calories. And you're probably getting on the scales too much. I'm having trouble with that myself.
  • Veggies are great chopped up really fine and added to anything for meals. I hide them in meatloaf, pasta sauce and just about anywhere I can think of. Also muffins. That is if you're making them yourself and not from packages or boxes. Fruits are also great in breakfast muffins and can be pureed into any kind of topping or…
  • I couldn't honestly say wether or not someone was exagerating their calorie burn. I will say that most of my exercise buddies at the gym are sometimes there for at least 2 to three hours. They use the crap out of the oliptical which burns about 100 calories in 10 minutes and they're on it vigorously for at least 1 hour.…
  • I swell up so bad bc of sodium that diet or regular colas I have to cut out. That's just my body though. I am successful when I have a Diet Rite and no I'm not advertising for them it's just what works for me and I only have one or two a week. Love the lemon water with some sweet and low for a sweet treat but personally…
  • I'm giving up a few things this year. First is swearing, second, smoking and to support the success I'm having with my weight loss, chocolate. It is a biggie on my list and I do ok with keeping it to a minimum but would like to see how much refined sweets I can cut out in all. Good luck this lenten season!