blueliss26 Member


  • I feel the same way. on here too much!
  • I only log my weight once a week... every friday morning. And if it stays the same or goes up, (it hasn't gone up since starting on here) then I wouldn't log that.
  • i have tried the nigiri and sashimi, but i really love the good ol california roll and veggie rolls... they are really low cal too. I ADORE the shrimp tempura with some spicy sauce.. but not low cal so i don't go for it too often anymore :o)
  • All the machines at my gym take age and weight into account as well. not gender though, and not fitness level... so even if 2 150 pound females are doing the elliptical, one could be much more "in shape" than the other and would burn less cals. I really want a HRM... just need to bite the bullet. In the meantime.. my goal…
  • I got really lucky as my sister just lost some weight and gave me all her "fat" clothes... about 8 pairs of size 10 pants! I in turn have promised my 12s to a friend who is dropping weight and will be able to use them... it has worked out beautifully. Maybe you have some friends who have things sitting around they aren't…
  • i think you will still lose weight because you are still burning some cals, but its true that your body becomes more efficient at the exercise it is used to. I am also in love with the elliptical but try to limit it to half my work outs. (2 out of 4) After my elliptical I do 20 minutes of strength training. I also take a…
  • i love shredded zucchini, shredded carrotts and of course diced onions in meatloaf. We like to do half turkey, half beef also. And yup just mix it all together and bake :o)
  • I would eat a normal meal... no way i could be satisfied with a 100 cal dinner. Just eat normal, consider it a learning day and move on.
  • Since its the beginning of your journey, I just think that you will be proud of yourself if you have some eating success on this day (really making some different choices than you normally would) and it will encourage you to keep going. I wouldn't want you to feel guilty after each indulgence and end up sabotaging yourself…
  • Ok i just looked at a few diary entries... a lot of sodium is coming from sauces that you use (bbq, salsa) - look for lower sodium varieties of these to use, or more processed meats (pepperoni) really try to limit quantities of that sort of thing and it should help. Sodium is hard for me to get a handle on too... try…
  • its my understanding that the protein is a goal not a limit. Going over in protein is a good thing! The salt is another story and i have trouble with that one too.
  • If I were you I would pack one meal to bring, or at least some healthy snacks. You could overthrow your whole week eating theme park food all day long for one day... Also, a good chance to teach your daughter about moderation and good choices...
  • I do an hour long step aerobics class once a week, swim laps once a week, hit the elliptical for 40 minutes and 20 minutes of strength training about twice a week. Then usually once a week I'll do a 30-60 minute walk pushing my double stroller.. and lots of trampoline jumping with my boys when weather permits :o)
  • I use fresh garlic too... cooking spray and a bit of water and when they are as tender as you want, throw some parmesan cheese on and coat them a bit. You get a ton of flavor from the parmesan without a ton of calories. yummm
  • I'm down almost 20 and still sweating just as much :o) Ithink i'm the sweatiest chick at my gym too!
  • greek yogurt and hummus :o) not together lol
  • ohhh sarah i hear you on that.... peanutbutter... .yumm off to bed so i dont get into the jar and never come out
  • yup sorry.. i can't think of anything at dunkin donuts that you would want to eat 3 times a week. How about indulging once a week? Breakfast or protein bars are quicker to grab than going through the drive thru... you could probably even eat a bowl of cereal quicker than going through the drive thru. My favorite fast…
  • I also wanted to add... we will grill up two huge trays of chicken breasts at a time... pound for pound it is cheaper than deli meat and its way better for you. We slice it up after it cools down, and freeze a few days worth in freezer bags. It then can be thrown in casseroles, stirfries, whatever :o)
  • I don't understand why you'd need to cut the month's food bill down because you want to shop more often? Obviously you need to cut down how much you spend on each trip to the store, but why cut the month's food bill down? I spend a lot on groceries, so I guess I'm not the one for advice but I do know that there are a lot…
  • yes you will! You made a great choice :o) I love this site and all the support it offers... it is making a big difference in my attempts this time. I feel like i have been a little bit overweight since puberty, and this is the first time that I am realizing how in control of that I am. I CAN and WILL change that. Being…
  • wow ! this is so creative :o) thanks for sharing... I will work up the bravery to try it :o)
  • i love a half cup of plain greek yogurt with a TB of peanutbutter stirred in and 1 splenda. cut up one apple and one banana and dip away. soooo yummy :o) I also have been sauteeing up a ton of veggies at once (bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, zucchini) , and then i'll cook up an egg or two... put eggs in a tortilla with…
  • To make your food diary public, click on your food tab, and then underneath click on settings.. scroll down to the bottom and there is an option to make your food diary public, private, or share it only with your friends.
  • hmmm I would think around 200 under should be fine... thats not enough to set you into crazy starvation mode or anything, but if you eat a lot less than you are supposed to it can screw things up. BC can make you gain weight.. but i dont know if thats the culprit or not... salty food combined with not enough water will…
  • how long have you been at it? how far under your goal are you? Are you drinking enough water ? Getting your period?
  • sounds tasty! i might try it at my barbecue this weekend!
  • I agree with the previous poster.. don't overdo it especially since this is your first and you don't know how your body will deal with the pregnancy... walking and swimming are great ideas :o) Pregnancy changes EVERYTHING with your body, including sometimes vision, foot size, hair texture, and it can even cause swelling of…
  • I love the suggestion from last_15!
  • thanks everyone! this is very helpful :o) i will keep chowing the greek yogurt :o)