

  • Hey ladies, I JUST found out that I am pregnant with my third child. It took us a LONG time getting pregnant with this one. I had a miscarraige so I am hoping that this one will stick. I lost 74 pounds before I got pregnant and plan to stay on MFP to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight. Before I new I was pregnant I was…
  • Sometimes I have vanilla protien powder, a banana, and silk vanilla Light in a shake. Keeps me full AND it's pretty good.
  • I like to eat at night after my kids go to bed. I usually save 100 calories or so to have some sort of ice cream snack. Some of my favorites are a fudgecicle or Fit and Active Wildberry Sorbet popcicles from Aldi. This makes me feel like I have a treat and makes it so I don't sit and eat a whole bag of chips or something.
  • I too was just diagnosed with PCOS. I found out because I lost a pregnancy :( I have been able to loose weight and am at a 72 lbs weight loss right now. I have heard that glucophage (sp?) can help with PCOS and help you loose the weight. That may be something to talk to your doc about. Has anyone with the PCOS had…
    in PCOS.... Comment by mlejoy3 May 2010
  • When I chose to loose weight, I started looking at rewards for myself totally differently because like you, I rewarded myself with food. I also used food as a coping mechanism too. I stepped back and looked at every situation. If I went out ot eat with girlfriends instead of thinking as the food as the reward, I thought of…
  • You lost 91 many calories do you do a day?
  • Title Nine has the BEST bra's. I have the halelujah (funny name) and it works so well and I am really large busted and I run.
    in Bra? Comment by mlejoy3 March 2010
  • Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and get in on the conversation if I could. My starting weight was 274 lbs. so I am definatly in the over 200 club :) I lost 50 pounds on my own by just watching what I ate and then I sat at 50 lbs lost for WAY too long so I am trying out the fitness pal. At first my caloric…