Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning all!

    So thank you so much for the well wishes! I feel 100 times better this morning. Im not back to 100% but conisdering how I was feeling before this is a VAST improvement, I can swallow without pain and thus I am eating a hearty yet healthy breakfast this morning :happy: I think the 15 hours or so I slept yesterday really helped:laugh:

    Jlb- Thats so exciting about the size 12s! I can 'squeeze' into my 16s right now and Im excited about that so trust me I know how happy you are that those 12s are in your near future!! Super happy for you, you work so hard you deserve it! (although I think you should by a size 10 the rate your going!!:drinker: )

    Bluenote- I loveyour posts because you always have some little difference that this lifestyle change has made to your life. They may seem 'little' at least but if you have to live with them they are HUGE. First the seatbealt, then the courthouse seat, now the dreaded walk!!! CONGRATS!!! I am yet again so proud of you! I cant wait to hear your next achievement! PS- I am also known for stopping on top of long stairs to "arhem" talk on the phone...sheesh a girls gotta catch her breath somehow!!!

    Have a good weekend all,

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Glad to heary ou are feeling better!

    Bluenote-Way to go on that walk without havign to stopto take a break. It feels good don't it!?

    On a happy note for me...I don't want to jinx it but I think I finally let go of the water weight or the shocking my metabolisim worked or something..I'm 5 pounds lighter on my Mom's scale this morning then I was yesterday. We will find out what the truth is tomorrow morning when I weigh in at work (which is normally where I weigh myself). It is a different scale but it's a 5 pound difference from yesterday. Not sure how that's possible but keep your fingers crossed ladies! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    did I miss this weeks challenge?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess - My fingers are crossed for you! Keep the faith!
    Cris, I am finding the little things boost me big time. Mainly because the little things that we all take for granted are things I haven't been able to do for years! :tongue: For instance, I can't WAIT until I can get on the floor and get back up. When I finally do this I will be beside myself with happiness and tears! I want SO BADLY to sit on the floor with my students and my cats. I know I will get there someday! I feel blessed to be a part of this group, even though I am twice the weight of most here. When I joined I thought "over 200" meant we all had over 200 to lose! LOL :laugh: yeah, sometimes I'm clueless like that. Sometimes I get down when I see my whole picture, but then a little epiphany will happen (God-sent, I am sure!), and I'll realize how far I've come, and then I get on here to share it with my dearest weight loss friends, because I know we are all rooting for each other! What a blessing to know you all! :heart:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    bluenote- I am so glad that you 'mistakenly' joined the group:laugh: I am sure that sitting on the floor is in your near future, and please keep us updated on all your new found abilities! It warms my heart to hear your excitement:heart:

    jess- yay on the weightloss, sounds like you were retaining water:drinker:

    coloradogirl- I dont think the challenge has been posted yet

    here is my check in for today 3/7/10:
    calories- under by 100+
    water- i think so, still working on getting some in
    sodium- 2025
    excercise- took wallpaper down (i didnt sweat but it was a pain in the *kitten*) and about to do my situps that I didnt do yesterday
    proud- that I didnt eat badly while I was sick and as soon as I felt better I was still right on track

    good night girls!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    did I miss this weeks challenge?
    No, I'm just clueless as to what to challenge.

    Okay. So, I can feel myself slacking, especially on 2 things. These are very unoriginal challenges, but they're also very important.

    This week I challenge us to all get *at least* 45 minutes of cardio *every day.*
    I also challenge us to all drink at least 80 ounces of water every day.

    Sorry they're unoriginal, but I've really been letting myself slip with the exercise over the last week. I've gotten maybe 2 hours in when normally I would've gotten at least twice that.

    So, happy cardio everyone!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    jlb - LOVE the challenges! I have major issues getting in my water and I only walked last week - no elliptical for the first time this year so I obviously needed this kick in the butt!!!

    I ordered a swimsuit from Lands End - size 14 (clearence). I got it Friday but haven't tried it on yet. It doesn't really match - the top is a tank that's grey with a yellow stripe (live strong style) and the bottom is a yellow skirt but it's a different yellow ($9 each can't really complain!) I figure since I'm planning on wearing it to swim laps at 6 am the mis-matched yellows shouldn't be a big deal :laugh: I can get a free two week membership to the college wellness center, so I'm planning on finding out if it will work to do the following routine a couple days a week. 45 mintues on the elliptical machine, then stretching and doing crunches/ push-ups and then driving about 15 minutes to the rec center and changing into a suit to swim for how ever long I can (I figure I'll walk laps when I'm too tired to swim) - then shower and dress and head into the office. I'm also going to check out morning classes because if I fork out the membership money I'll want to max out my investment!

    This weekend we were at my parents farm with lots of friends. My other cooking friends couldn't come so I was the main cook except for Saturday breakfast...


    Like THOUSANDS OF CALORIES too much. What is happening to me! I did follow my rule that every bite count and I didn't do any mindless eating but OMG did I eat! (and drink). I didn't only SHOCK my system I SHOCKED my husband, my friends... :laugh: LOL - everyone was so sweet about my losing weight :flowerforyou: and I'm saying "Thaunch ou" through a mouth full of mint chocolate chip cookie!!!!:embarassed:

    I shall do better. It's going to slow down my weight loss so I am not allowed to whine so much about not losing much this week or next but I will let myself think I gained more than two pounds because I couldn't have been more than 7000 calories over the last few days and I did log most of what I ate (from memory tonight) - I'm sure I'll keep adding things to the log as they come to me :embarassed:

    Julie - size 12? AND you can run 5K. Eff YEAH!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thanks for the challenge, jlb. I need that kick right now with exercise. Here lately I've been not putting as much energy into it as I had in the past. I still do the 40 mins, but I think I've been slowing down the pedaling! :tongue: I am glad we are focusing on this. As for water, I rarely drink anything else (well, OK vodka!) so I should ace that part!

    check in:

    cals: WAY under. Like 1K under. I know I know. I ate a HUGE salad for lunch and, honestly, I can't fit much else in. My stomach is sticking out I am so full!
    water: perfect
    exercise: 40 mins bike, plus 10 mins hard riding + arms
    proud: I put on one of my spring dresses to wear to my singing jobs this morning, and it was too big! It used to go to a few inches above my ankle (I am tall and like to wear longer length dresses), and now it drags on the floor! It looked like a ballroom gown! LOL Another sewing project! :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl -- I'm right there with you on not being allowed to whine this week. :blushing: I was completely overtaken by my bf's pressure to order Chinese food yesterday. But, we ordered before we ate anything else (and, no the restaurant doesn't open before noon :embarassed:) and it's almost all I ate yesterday except for some peanut butter and greek yogurt last night (I had to eat something with nutritional value because fried tofu and white rice wasn't really cutting it). So yeah, Mexican food Friday night and Chinese food yesterday. Although in reality, I probably wasn't far over (if any over) my maintenance calories both days, I still feel like I let things get a little out of control. I normally splurge once a month or so, not twice a weekend! :noway:

    But anyway, it was delicious and it's over and done and I don't feel guilty about it because when I look at the bigger picture it doesn't even really make a difference. I've determined the #1 *most important* thing when it comes to trying to be healthier and lose weight is *don't give up.* The old me would've had a weekend like this one and Monday I would've still been off track. I would've said "screw it" and that would have been the end of it. Instead, I made sure I woke up with time to put in 30 good minutes on my stationary bike. I have already completely my food diary for the day and I intend to stick with it (won't be hard with beef stew and honey teriyaki stir fry on the menu -- yum!). I also plan to break in my new running shoes tonight (shin splints are gone, woot!) AND continue with my situp, pushup, squats challenges.

    I'll use my splurges to my advantage. My body isn't going to know what hit it. :laugh: Right now it's like "oooh yeah, plenty of fuel here.. I can just let go of all this fat, no big deal because there's probably another cheese enchilada coming soon" and I'm going to be like "Yeah, body, you just keep on thinking that" and then I'm going to be like "BLAM! -- Take this 1500 calorie deficit!" And the fat is just going to melt away. Or something like that.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls!

    Before I joined MFP I used to weigh myself on Sundays so I could hold myself accountable for the weekend. Since I joined this group I started doing official (meaning I record it) weigh ins Fridays and Sundays. That way I can still post my Friday weight to you guys and hold my self accountable on Sundays for my personal weigh in. Well Sunday I weighed myself and I was at 226.6 (I was at 228.4 Friday). I wasnt overly excited because I had been since Friday and hadnt eaten or drank much so I figured I had an empty belly plus I was dehydrated. I started drinking my water and eating again yesterday and this morning the scale was at 226!!!! I am praying that it stays this way through out the week, my FIRST mini goal is to be 225 by March 31st and thats so cloooose!!! I will then be officially halfway to 200!

    JLB- Good challenge! I think I have slacked on the cardio myself so hopefully the extra work this week will show in my loss!

    I just enjoyed a very yummy bagel for bfast! I dont know who was talking about bagels but I was craving one for over a week, and finally went and got the lowest cal/sodium bagel I could find and fat free cream cheese. It was heavenly!!!:love:

    Have a good day, be back through out the day to stalk you all! :laugh:

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
  • mlejoy3
    mlejoy3 Posts: 9
    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to introduce myself and get in on the conversation if I could. My starting weight was 274 lbs. so I am definatly in the over 200 club :) I lost 50 pounds on my own by just watching what I ate and then I sat at 50 lbs lost for WAY too long so I am trying out the fitness pal. At first my caloric intake was set at 1390 and the weight came off the first week, but I actually gained the second week. Now my calories are down to 1200 on the days I don't exercise. I feel like I can't eat much on those days. I am hoping that this works. I have almost 70 pounds more to go to meet my goal weight. That is a lot when it is not coming off as easy any more. Did anyone else have this problem?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to introduce myself and get in on the conversation if I could. My starting weight was 274 lbs. so I am definatly in the over 200 club :) I lost 50 pounds on my own by just watching what I ate and then I sat at 50 lbs lost for WAY too long so I am trying out the fitness pal. At first my caloric intake was set at 1390 and the weight came off the first week, but I actually gained the second week. Now my calories are down to 1200 on the days I don't exercise. I feel like I can't eat much on those days. I am hoping that this works. I have almost 70 pounds more to go to meet my goal weight. That is a lot when it is not coming off as easy any more. Did anyone else have this problem?

    Come join us on the new thread! We won't be posting on this one anymore.

    To answer your question, yes I've had the same problem! I started at 270 and hit a wall at 53 pounds lost. I had to start eating more. I was eating 1200 calories a day and not eating any exercise calories. Now I try to eat around 50% of my exercise calories (which puts me around 1350-1450 calories most days). I stayed the same weight for about 3 weeks but about 2 weeks after I started eating more, I started losing weight again. 1.8 pounds week before last and 2.4 pounds last week so eating more definitely seems to be working for me. :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to introduce myself and get in on the conversation if I could. My starting weight was 274 lbs. so I am definatly in the over 200 club :) I lost 50 pounds on my own by just watching what I ate and then I sat at 50 lbs lost for WAY too long so I am trying out the fitness pal. At first my caloric intake was set at 1390 and the weight came off the first week, but I actually gained the second week. Now my calories are down to 1200 on the days I don't exercise. I feel like I can't eat much on those days. I am hoping that this works. I have almost 70 pounds more to go to meet my goal weight. That is a lot when it is not coming off as easy any more. Did anyone else have this problem?

    Hello mlejoy3 it is nice to meet you. I am glad that you decided to check us out. We would be happy to have you as part of our group. But we moved. We move every week because our posts get so long. We are a big group of talkers. I think as far as what you are doing you should eat back some of your exercise calories. Stick with the min. that mfp gives you on the days you do not exercise is a good idea. Now here is our link to the new topic, please join us over there

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to introduce myself and get in on the conversation if I could. My starting weight was 274 lbs. so I am definatly in the over 200 club :) I lost 50 pounds on my own by just watching what I ate and then I sat at 50 lbs lost for WAY too long so I am trying out the fitness pal. At first my caloric intake was set at 1390 and the weight came off the first week, but I actually gained the second week. Now my calories are down to 1200 on the days I don't exercise. I feel like I can't eat much on those days. I am hoping that this works. I have almost 70 pounds more to go to meet my goal weight. That is a lot when it is not coming off as easy any more. Did anyone else have this problem?

    Welcome! I would have to agree with JLB. I'm about to increase my calories as well because I hit a plateau at about 38 pounds lost. From what I have read this is what a lot of people have done to get over their plateau. Welcome to the group!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    hey there... so its been awhile since i got on. I havent gained any but sadly i havent lost any lately. Im going to try and stick to this. I just found out that im going to Florida in about a month. .. so i know i need to lose wieght now...its getting hard to get up in the morning....im going to try....i had too much for breakfast ... (2 special K bars and a rice crispy treat) and am not thinking about not eating much for lunch if anything but im starving so who knows.... Im going to try and go on a walk before i go to youth tonight.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    hey there... so its been awhile since i got on. I havent gained any but sadly i havent lost any lately. Im going to try and stick to this. I just found out that im going to Florida in about a month. .. so i know i need to lose wieght now...its getting hard to get up in the morning....im going to try....i had too much for breakfast ... (2 special K bars and a rice crispy treat) and am not thinking about not eating much for lunch if anything but im starving so who knows.... Im going to try and go on a walk before i go to youth tonight.
    Nice to see you Renea_Kay ... I too had a bad start already this morning, which makes the rest of the day a challenge. But we can do it! With some exercise and choosing lower cal foods we can make it through today.
    BTW - we are on a new thread now: