Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I made a bet with myself...after all this exercise and watching what i eat...if i don't lose weight on weight in day then on Saturday i am planning to eat a really fat/big meal..then jump back on the wagon.


    I totally do this.
    Sometimes I'm SO BUMMED to lose weight. :tongue:

    My next metabolism shocking meal is sesame bean curd from my favorite Chinese restaurant. Mmmmmmmm.
    My bf asks me if I need to "shock my metabolism" like twice every weekend because he wants to eat bad greasy food. :laugh:

    I have never "shocked my Metabolism" before...what do you exactly eat? and how much over you calorie intake to you eat? because i am afraid of a weight gain..and i can't bare to see a gain..

    one more question and that's it: Will i see much of a weight gain and how much of a gain to expect?

    Thanks girl :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ahh, shocking the system...one of my favorite things to do! I typically go 500-1000 over my normal daily limit. I've never seen a gain after doing this, but that's just me. If you do gain, it will only be temporary since it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound of fat.

    Okay, so I stopped at the store on my way home to try on the size 10 jeans and I can get them on, buttoned and zipped. I'm about 5 lbs. away from being comfortable in them! It's been 10 years since I could wear size 10s and realistically, I'm only 1-2 weeks away from them. I'm so excited.

    Alright, off to eat a healthy dinner prepared by my boyfriend, then for a walk. I'm motivated now!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Gotta run, but wanted to check in first. I have a part-time job as a child advocate for foster children in the city of St. Louis and I have court tomorrow, and, of course, am not prepared. Add that to going to the theatre tonight to see "August: Osage County" and it makes for a very busy night.

    cals: under
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 bike + 10 vigorous bike + arms
    proud: that I am almost finished with my court reports! Whew!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Gotta run, but wanted to check in first. I have a part-time job as a child advocate for foster children in the city of St. Louis and I have court tomorrow, and, of course, am not prepared. Add that to going to the theatre tonight to see "August: Osage County" and it makes for a very busy night.

    Hey Bluenote,
    I've heard that the play is excellent, please let me know what you think of it.

    Checking in for 3/2
    Calories - under but I ate about 2/3 of my exercise cals
    exercise - 30 day shred in the am, 180 sit ups in the pm
    water - 9
    proud that I actually exercised BEFORE work, I hate waking up early :noway:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hi all just stopping in to say I am still alive. I have had WAY TOOOOOOO much going on in my life and it has finally caught up to me. :ohwell:

    Now I am sick :sick: due to my lack of taking care of myself, and allowing myself to get stressed out. So, I am not doing so hot. Hopefully in the next week or so I can start getting back on track. It just seems that 1 thing got out of wack then 2, then 3 and before I knew where I stood my life had ended up in a whirl wind and out of control! Ugh... :sad:

    Well I am off to bed to HOPEFULLY get a little much needed rest! :yawn:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking in for yesterday 3/2

    Calories-Right on target
    Water: 9 Glasses (Would of liked to of had more but oh well!)
    Sodium: 1841.
    Exercise: Level 2 30 Day Shred OMG!!
    Proud: I wasn't really in the mood to workout when I got home last night but I pushed myself and tried level 2 of 30 day shred and it was brutal! But I did it!

    On another note. I had been go so far until yesterday morning on the challenge for the week. I caved in and had a Diet Pepsi!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    ColoradoGirl - take care of yourself - know eating your full maintenance calories while you're sick is not "cheating" or going off the wagon, it's just making sure your body has what it needs to heal. I'm sure any weight gain you might see is just water or temporary energy stores. Be good to yourself and rest and as you feel better maybe go for a few walks. DON'T try to be superwoman and work while you're sick! Just sayin!:wink:

    Chris - you ran for FIVE MINUTES that seems so impossible to me! I'm getting running shoes next week (I know I keep saying that but we still have ten inches of snow so my outside track isn't going to be open any time soon!)

    Checking in:
    Calories - over even my exercise calories by about 300.
    Water - good
    Exercise - fast 45 minute walk at lunch
    Proud - Went out with the in-laws to my favorite bar and grill - split a turkey reuben with my MIL and only had 1 beer and not all of the pint. I KNOW I KNOW!!! No ALCOHOL this week but you can't reason with 90 year olds and my FIL started harping that if I wasn't going to have a beer my MIL shouldn't drink because she could stand losing a few pounds and I was like "BRING ME A PINT!:drinker: " ARgh!

    I slept in and I'm late for work but I did the situp challenge week 3 day 3 and I did the push-up week 1 day 1. Situps I'm good at - push-ups not so much!:embarassed:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1405
    Exercise: 35 minute walk including lots of stairs
    Water: 104oz+
    Proud: I slept in instead of getting up to work out. Boo. BUT, to counteract that I grabbed my running shoes on the way out the door so that I could walk at lunch. But at lunch it was 35 degrees and raining with a wind chill of 29 -- so I couldn't go outside to walk. Boo. BUT, I got my butt up and walked around this huge building (which is really 2 buildings) for 35 minutes including probably 10 flights of stairs. Yay!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    just got back from the gym

    I was not able to complete c25k week4 day1- this was the first time I didnt finish a work out :brokenheart: :sad: I was kind of prepared for it...I am still proud that I got through the first 3 min run and the first 5 mins run...I was amazed that I could run the 5 mins and I am proud I didnt quit. Tomorrow I will try again....

    good night friends! :smile:

    Cris: it will get better. That was my HARDESR week..

    Ditto. Week four killed me. I was NEVER able to finish it comfortably. I finally got frustrated & decided to try week 5 and it was easier! I didn't have to repeat a single week after that but I stayed at week four for like 3 weeks. I even dropped back to week 3 for a couple of days and then back up to week 4. I think it's the make or break point in the program. :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have never "shocked my Metabolism" before...what do you exactly eat? and how much over you calorie intake to you eat? because i am afraid of a weight gain..and i can't bare to see a gain..

    one more question and that's it: Will i see much of a weight gain and how much of a gain to expect?

    Thanks girl :flowerforyou: :heart:

    For me, I just *PLAN* (key key key!) to eat a meal that equals probably what I normally eat in a day. :noway: Which means I probably go over my normal daily calories by about 500-1000 (just like Heather). Surprisingly, I've never noticed a big increase the next day (usually my shock meals are totally sodiumrific), but I ALWAYS have seen a better loss during the next week than I did the weeks prior. It's a very strange thing. Now, you don't want to go claiming to be "shocking your metabolism" once a week or more, but I think once a month or so isn't going to hurt you at all and may actually help. Plus, for me it's easier to forget about cravings. Like, lately I've been craving the sesame bean curd but every time I really want it I just think about how I'm going to get it next time I decide it's time to shock my metabolism. Then I feel better about it. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone....honestly I feel like I psyched myself out of it more than I couldnt do it. Like I said, I did fine with the 3 min run and then the 5 min run but then as soon as we started the walk I started freaking out about having to run again in 90 seconds or whatever it was...by the time it was time to run I had mentally checked out and told myself I couldnt do it. Today, I have a totally different outlook on it. I WILL NOT say I CANT anymore!

    I plan on loading up on yummy energy prior to the gym (a little more than normal, not sure what yet though) I will mentally prepare better, I will stretch....hmm and my goal today is just to go further than I did last night.

    I have been doing the brisk walks at 2.7mph and the runs at 4.5mph. Yesterday when I did the 5 min run I did it at 4.3 which seemed to be a better jogging pace for me but I find myself trying to speed up. Its weird, I get tired faster doing 4.3 than 4.5 because I feel my body trying to hold back? I dont know if that made any sense, sorry!

    Ok done rambling, I will let everyone know how I do tonight, cross your fingers for me!!

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    5 pounds lost and another 2 1/2 inches gone from my body .WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!! I figured out what my problem was.I can't eat late at night because my body holds onto it for 2 or 3 days later before I expel it LOL:laugh: :laugh: And I have also increased my fiber intake from what I normally would have ate and I also notice (TMI I know) after it goes I lose weight as well.So I finally got what works for me again.YAY!!! I know I can continue down this path.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I have never "shocked my Metabolism" before...what do you exactly eat? and how much over you calorie intake to you eat? because i am afraid of a weight gain..and i can't bare to see a gain..

    one more question and that's it: Will i see much of a weight gain and how much of a gain to expect?

    Thanks girl :flowerforyou: :heart:

    For me, I just *PLAN* (key key key!) to eat a meal that equals probably what I normally eat in a day. :noway: Which means I probably go over my normal daily calories by about 500-1000 (just like Heather). Surprisingly, I've never noticed a big increase the next day (usually my shock meals are totally sodiumrific), but I ALWAYS have seen a better loss during the next week than I did the weeks prior. It's a very strange thing. Now, you don't want to go claiming to be "shocking your metabolism" once a week or more, but I think once a month or so isn't going to hurt you at all and may actually help. Plus, for me it's easier to forget about cravings. Like, lately I've been craving the sesame bean curd but every time I really want it I just think about how I'm going to get it next time I decide it's time to shock my metabolism. Then I feel better about it. :laugh:

    Thanks JIb and Heather for you educational advice :flowerforyou:

    I have been working very hard...calorie and exercise wise..i calculated every crumb i ate and i exercise a minimum of an hour every day now...so i better see a weight loss this Friday. If not, then on Saturday is my Fat Meal...and hopefully with that meal i will be back to losing weight

    Once again thanks for your wise advice :wink:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I have been doing the brisk walks at 2.7mph and the runs at 4.5mph. Yesterday when I did the 5 min run I did it at 4.3 which seemed to be a better jogging pace for me but I find myself trying to speed up. Its weird, I get tired faster doing 4.3 than 4.5 because I feel my body trying to hold back? I dont know if that made any sense, sorry!

    Ok done rambling, I will let everyone know how I do tonight, cross your fingers for me!!


    No, You are not rambling:wink: just giving us the info on your progress.

    about the speed of running verses walking..my running is 4.5 (now), before, at week 4, I was @ 3.7 mph (running) and walking was like 3.0 mph... my walking Now is like 3.7 - 4.0...which not to bad ( on the slow side but i am not that worried)

    It all depends on how comfortable/challengeing you are on that speed...good luck to you and you will find you it...i know you will surpass week 4...once again Good Luck:heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    5 pounds lost and another 2 1/2 inches gone from my body .WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!! I figured out what my problem was.I can't eat late at night because my body holds onto it for 2 or 3 days later before I expel it LOL:laugh: :laugh: And I have also increased my fiber intake from what I normally would have ate and I also notice (TMI I know) after it goes I lose weight as well.So I finally got what works for me again.YAY!!! I know I can continue down this path.

    first and foremost, CONGRATES ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS :flowerforyou:

    I think you and me experience the same thing...my body retains anything i eat at night, or anything i eat past 6 pm. so my cut off point is 6 pm...i have recently notice that. I am with in my calorie range but if i eat at night i find the next day a two pound gain. and it takes me 3 days to burn off my 2 pound gain..
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I know exactly what you mean about getting more tired at a bit slower pace. I'm long-legged and therefore have a long stride, so I've found my comfortable jog is about 4.5-4.6. Then again, my walk pace is typically 3.2-3.4. Eventually I'll work on getting my speed up, but I need to jump back on the wagon first.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 347
    Sodium: 1393 over
    Water: 16 oz.
    Exercise: A one hour long walk around the neighborhood with my boyfriend.
    Proud: That I didn't eat the ice cream I so badly wanted.

    Hope you're all having a great day,
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Up at 4 am today.. Why? I have no darn clue.. As exhausted I have been and being sick, it should not have been a issue to sleep. So, now it is about 9:20 am I am tired.. but, can't sleep. I can't wait to get back on track.. sigh..... sick0026.gif

    Thanks mstahl for the words of encouragement. It is beautiful here today and will be most of the week! My husband was even able to ride his motorcycle to work this morning! So, I think I may just take one of the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood.

    My stress level has been off the charts lately.. from car problems, teenagers, a couple BIG clients having financial issues (which in turn affect my bottom dollar), finances, to my sister mental state, my grandparents health state (they are in their 90's) and my husband not going to his diabetes education I am just not sure which end is up. I keep asking myself why I keep the weight of the world on my shoulders and all I have come up with is I like to keep in control of things... I am sure this stress is effecting the fact that my plateau is lingering. ashamed0001.gif

    My old Massage therapist whom I traded regular massage with moved in December and not only is 40 minutes way but has cut her schedule back so my regular self care has gone downhill! Good news is I am seeing a new Massage Therapist on Monday so, I have hopes that she will be a good one and we can start trading regularly. happy086.gif

    Well.. I really should get back to work. I have some much needed work to get done around here! I will check back in later!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    positively_me and heather: thanks for sharing your speeds with me, I was hoping someone would because I have not really found a 'comfortable' zone yet. I am well aware that my walking isnt "brisk" like it says to do but from the jogging portion I am so beat that I need to drastically reduce my speed. My plan is to finish the program (someday!) then work on time. I think I will stick with 2.7 walking and 4.5 running today and see if that works

    Thanks for the advice!

    Coloradogirl- I'm sorry you have so much going on! **BIG HUGS YOUR WAY**
    Awestfall- Congrats! So happy for you!! :drinker:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    5 pounds lost and another 2 1/2 inches gone from my body .WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!! I figured out what my problem was.I can't eat late at night because my body holds onto it for 2 or 3 days later before I expel it LOL:laugh: :laugh: And I have also increased my fiber intake from what I normally would have ate and I also notice (TMI I know) after it goes I lose weight as well.So I finally got what works for me again.YAY!!! I know I can continue down this path.

    first and foremost, CONGRATES ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS :flowerforyou:

    I think you and me experience the same thing...my body retains anything i eat at night, or anything i eat past 6 pm. so my cut off point is 6 pm...i have recently notice that. I am with in my calorie range but if i eat at night i find the next day a two pound gain. and it takes me 3 days to burn off my 2 pound gain..
    I have the exact same problem so I have been cutting out eating after 6pm because the next day I see a loss if I do but if I eat past that time I gain weight.I know alot of people will say the time of day when you eat has nothing to do with weight gain or loss but for me it does I have checked it continuosly for the past 2 weeks and ever since last week when I stopped eating after 6 I have been losing pounds and inches.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    positively_me and heather: thanks for sharing your speeds with me, I was hoping someone would because I have not really found a 'comfortable' zone yet. I am well aware that my walking isnt "brisk" like it says to do but from the jogging portion I am so beat that I need to drastically reduce my speed. My plan is to finish the program (someday!) then work on time. I think I will stick with 2.7 walking and 4.5 running today and see if that works

    Thanks for the advice!

    Coloradogirl- I'm sorry you have so much going on! **BIG HUGS YOUR WAY**
    Awestfall- Congrats! So happy for you!! :drinker:
    Thanks Cris and keep at that running you are doing an amazing job!!I just wanted to tell everyone that I ran for 2 minutes straight at a pretty good speed yesterday.I haven't done that in forever.I know 2 minutes doesn't sound like much but to me it is.10 years ago before I got fat I was running 8 miles a day in an hour.I hope to get back to that soon.My best friend was in the military at that time and when she was home we ran everyday 8 miles a day and she really pushed me.I wish she was still around to help me but unfortunately she lives in NC so I am going to have to build myself back up to that 8 miles