Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    You ladies are hard to keep up with. Way to go to all your successes.

    Calories: yes
    Water: yes
    Exersice: yes with 3lb. weights (Wheew! that extra 6 lbs. makes a big difference to the intensity, and to think that I have lost 5 times that much.)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh mstahl -- I'm right there with you on the failing miserably with this weeks challenge (I type as I sip a diet Dr Pepper). Its just Diet Dr Pepper. I have one a day. If coffee and tea are okay, so is diet soda in moderation! :laugh: Yes, step #1. Hi, my name is Julie and I have a problem. Congratulations on your Goodwill scores! I'm ready to buy my 1st pair of size 14s to work on getting into over the next month or so.

    Cris -- I. AM. SO. PROUD. OF. YOU!

    ColoradoGirl -- I'm so impressed that you had the wherewithal to come back to us. :smile: I'm so glad today went well for you.

    Bluenote -- So sorry about your crap day. :frown: At least tomorrow is Thursday which means the day after that is Friday. Sleep tight!

    Jess -- Way to go on those weights! How do you like the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout?

    Heather -- I can so relate to the "I could break free right now" moments at work. :laugh:

    Calories: 1382 if I eat my strawberries & chocolate peanut butter (and why wouldn't I?)
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike
    Water: Just at 8 cups today
    Proud: I recognized a horrible trend of talking myself into sleeping in and not getting up to bike this week. The hive problem made for a really easy excuse. But I got my butt up this morning & got to it (although I was about 10 minutes late getting up).
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    Mari, they have turkey kielbasa in the area where the regular kielbasa is. with the hot dogs and bologna.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh mstahl -- I'm right there with you on the failing miserably with this weeks challenge (I type as I sip a diet Dr Pepper). Its just Diet Dr Pepper. I have one a day. If coffee and tea are okay, so is diet soda in moderation! :laugh: Yes, step #1. Hi, my name is Julie and I have a problem. Congratulations on your Goodwill scores! I'm ready to buy my 1st pair of size 14s to work on getting into over the next month or so.

    Cris -- I. AM. SO. PROUD. OF. YOU!

    ColoradoGirl -- I'm so impressed that you had the wherewithal to come back to us. :smile: I'm so glad today went well for you.

    Bluenote -- So sorry about your crap day. :frown: At least tomorrow is Thursday which means the day after that is Friday. Sleep tight!

    Jess -- Way to go on those weights! How do you like the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout?

    Heather -- I can so relate to the "I could break free right now" moments at work. :laugh:

    Calories: 1382 if I eat my strawberries & chocolate peanut butter (and why wouldn't I?)
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike
    Water: Just at 8 cups today
    Proud: I recognized a horrible trend of talking myself into sleeping in and not getting up to bike this week. The hive problem made for a really easy excuse. But I got my butt up this morning & got to it (although I was about 10 minutes late getting up).

    I love the last chance workout! The time just flies by because you go back and forth between cardio and strength training and each circuit you concentrate on a certain muscle group. It's awesome! I started using heavier weights last night and that really brought my workout intensity upped. Think I needed that!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Checking in for 3/3
    Calories - under ( ate about 1/3 of my exercise cals)
    exercise - 30 day shred, that's 5 days in a row now to my surprise.
    water - loads, at least 11 glasses
    proud that I'm sticking with the exercise, I had a crappy day at work didn't eat the cupcakes that were laying around.

    Looks like I missed alot not checking the boards yesterday...... here goes

    Chris - OMG amazing job on your C25K W4D1 R2D2 C3P0 Y2K...:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: It looks like secret code to me still but I know it's some really difficult running thing so WAY TO GO.

    Awestfall - well done on the inches and lbs. :drinker: Just goes to show that we are all getting there and the hard work is worth it. I read that people who lose weight more slowly but incorporate more exercise end up with more taught skin in the end.

    Bluenote - I just pictured the secret smile that ran across your face as you sat in that chair yesterday. You should be SO PROUD of yourself. :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Solandra - Amazing job with the water yesterday, I know you have struggled with that a lot. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Keep it up. I upped my water intake this week and feel really great despite all the bathroom trips.

    Mstahl - You are so smart !!:flowerforyou: I have been dreading buying new clothes. I do need some but don't want to spend money on clothes that will only fit me for a few months. I'm hitting the thrift stores this weekend. Thank you!!:heart:

    Heather - You cracked me up. Oh the thought of escape !:laugh: I hope you have learned your lesson though. Next time you need to slip that drivers license in your pocket before you leave your desk!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- you made me laugh! I remember when jlb was posting her c25k stuff and I was like wtf is she talking about! hahaha.

    bluenote- I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU YET AGAIN! You are reaching so many milestones, how exciting it must be!

    snowflakes- we got a couple of MFP stalkers that just cant stay away from the boards :laugh: :wink: that's why there is so much posting...yea yea Im one of them!

    so today is my sit up day and I plan on doing some work to our bathroom. We bought a house in August and we have a lot of updating to do. BF took down most of the wallpaper so I am going to finish taking down the rest and then get the walls ready to paint. Hope to be done by the weekend, its only the powder room so its small. Just needs fresh paint and new fixtures. Seriously, why do people still put up wallpaper! Its so much work to take off!!! argh!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Finally I am seeing changes everyday with my body!!! I may not see pounds go down on the scale but I see a smaller and much improved woman.Thats what counts to me.So proud of all you gals working so hard to reach your goals and sticking with it for the long haul.Just remember if you don't see a change on the scale look in the mirror and see the changes there.I guarantee that each and every one of you ladies have worked hard enough to glance in the mirror in the morning before you put your clothes on for the day and say "Gosh I do look visibly smaller" my husband even told me last night without me asking that I looked alot smaller.That made me feel proud because even though my exercise plan is fun its WORKING!!! I can't wait to be able to wear cute clothes again.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Finally I am seeing changes everyday with my body!!! I may not see pounds go down on the scale but I see a smaller and much improved woman.Thats what counts to me.So proud of all you gals working so hard to reach your goals and sticking with it for the long haul.Just remember if you don't see a change on the scale look in the mirror and see the changes there.I guarantee that each and every one of you ladies have worked hard enough to glance in the mirror in the morning before you put your clothes on for the day and say "Gosh I do look visibly smaller" my husband even told me last night without me asking that I looked alot smaller.That made me feel proud because even though my exercise plan is fun its WORKING!!! I can't wait to be able to wear cute clothes again.

    Did you wake up this morning and know I needed to hear something like this? LOL I've been so frustrated to not see the scale moving at allt his week. I just been blameing it on TOM! You are absoultely right though. Thank you for this!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Cris: I have to giggle about the wallpaper. The house I own is the same way. Every room, including the hallway is wallpapered. I've redone two of the rooms so far but haven't been motivated enough to do the remaining rooms. When I get motivated again, the bathroom will be next, as it has a hideous blue and yellow floral pattern. I'll be painting it eggshell because there are light yellow tiles that go halfway up the walls and it's hard to find the right shade to go with that. Ugh, what were these people thinking? I only wish I'd taken before and after shots! I'll have to do that going forward. Oh, and GREAT JOB on the C25K!!! You rock!

    So yesterday I didn't ride my horse because I didn't want to be in the way of the girl who was taking lessons in the indoor arena, so I did some ground work and just "played" with my horse for an hour. I did work up a sweat running through the 6 inches of snow, so I think that counts for something. After playing our game of follow the leader, my horse was more relaxed and happy. I think just playing with her was what was needed. I'm planning on getting out to ride tonight as there are no lessons scheduled for the arena. Sadie (my horse) was wound up yesterday so maybe she'll be calmer today.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 183 over
    Sodium: 1655 over
    Water: 18 oz.
    Exercise: Playing with my horse
    Proud: I got to bed early even though I wanted to stay up later.

    I have a busy schedule after work today of weighing in, playing with my horse and laundry. I wish the workday didn't have to be so long! Have a great day!

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Finally I am seeing changes everyday with my body!!! I may not see pounds go down on the scale but I see a smaller and much improved woman.Thats what counts to me.So proud of all you gals working so hard to reach your goals and sticking with it for the long haul.Just remember if you don't see a change on the scale look in the mirror and see the changes there.I guarantee that each and every one of you ladies have worked hard enough to glance in the mirror in the morning before you put your clothes on for the day and say "Gosh I do look visibly smaller" my husband even told me last night without me asking that I looked alot smaller.That made me feel proud because even though my exercise plan is fun its WORKING!!! I can't wait to be able to wear cute clothes again.

    Did you wake up this morning and know I needed to hear something like this? LOL I've been so frustrated to not see the scale moving at allt his week. I just been blameing it on TOM! You are absoultely right though. Thank you for this!
    You are so welcome Jess!! And you should be proud of what you see in the mirror I see a difference in your before and after pics that you have on your profile.Be proud and yes unfortunately TOM does make the scale move up and down from day to day until your done but just think of what you are doing for yourself in the long run.My TOM is soon to be here too so I won't be surprised when the scale moves up a bit.Despite that I slurged a bit last night on a Snickers Almond bar and maybe 10 pringles but it didn't effect my weight at all this morning in fact it stayed the same so I know TOM is coming for me because I only crave sweets and salts when its soon to visit.Off subject its SUNSHINING HERE today which for us we have been in blizzard land for that past 4 months now.So SUNSHINE is strange for us ESKIMOS here lol.Suppose to be in the 50's this weekend and I think I am going to take the girls to the park and go for a running around the park with them.Mind you that 50 degree weather is considered a HEAT WAVE for us LOL!!! Ok I will quit rambling!!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! cool0010.gif

    I slept pretty well last night and am feeling better today! Woot!! My morning plans my husband changed on me.. He is so good at that. So, I will have to get my exercise in later this afternoon. Once 2pm comes..I have a hard time working out so, I am just going to have to hold myself accountable! winking0070.gif

    Well.. I am off and running. I will check back in later today! have a FABULOUS day!!!!!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Mari, they have turkey kielbasa in the area where the regular kielbasa is. with the hot dogs and bologna.

    Thanks mom, I want to make something tasty with it soon.

    So hey girls! I've been laying low for a while but something amazing happened today. I hit my twenty pound mark! :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: I'm so excited! So, lets see....what exactly does this weight look like that I was carrying around? I have lost....

    this medium container of cat litter. or...

    this small propane tank or....

    This super nice stereo system. or....

    This tire or....

    Haha! Just kidding.

    This dog!

    So happy. I'm going to check in for yesterday.

    Calories: just right. didnt feel hungry!
    Water: More than enough
    Exercise: doing it today instead...the gym was crowded with freeloaders last wednesday.
    Proud: I LOST 20 POUNDS SINCE DECEMBER! and 38 pounds total!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    my husband even told me last night without me asking that I looked alot smaller.

    Aw, that's great!
    I know one of the compliments in disguise my bf has given me is one night a few weeks ago he laid down next to me & put his arm around me said "Where's Julie!?" :laugh: It's lame, but it still made me grin.
    One of our favorite things to do to torture each other is give each other raspberries -- you know, like mothers give their children on their bellies... :embarassed: It always results in a wrestling match because someone wants to give someone a raspberry and the other person absolutely does *not* want to be raspberried. Ugh, I guess we're like 3 years old or something. But anyway, now his excuse to give me raspberries is he has to get in as many as possible before it's too late & there's no belly left to raspberry. :tongue: It's true though -- I have a lot of weight to lose still from my hips and legs, but my tummy has gotten drastically smaller. On the sides of my waist, I can only poke like half an inch of fat before I hit something hard (*gasp* Muscles?!). And it still blows my mind that I can feel my ribs. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Mari- CONGRATS!!!!:flowerforyou: :heart: Thanks for the visuals! That made it really sink in that 20lbs is A LOT! That tire looked huge!

    JLB- lol you guys are so cute! My biggest problems are is hips and thighs, whats your plan for tackling that? I know that even when I was small, like had a damn near flat tummy my legs were huge! I didnt excercise then so Im sure theyll get smaller from running but not sure exactly how I am going to tackle that thigh area...**sigh**
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Mari: Congrats on hitting the 20 lb. mark! It's fun thinking about what weighs the same as what you've lost!

    Awestfall: Where do you live? I'm sure you mentioned it before. Anyway, we still haven't seen 50, but our 42 degrees this week feels absolutely tropical!

    Jlb: My boyfriend and I have tickling fights, so I guess we're also in the 3 year old group. It's fun and I consider it exercise because we burn calories wrestling and we burn calories laughing. It's a win-win if you ask me!

    I have a lot of energy today and my co-worker caught me dancing next to the copier a little bit ago. I don't know if it's the fresh air, the sunshine, the warmer temperature or all of it combined, but I'm hyper and can't sit still. If I weren't such a reading addict, I would consider walking during lunch, but with only 30 minutes, I need to eat. Grr.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Mari: Congrats on hitting the 20 lb. mark! It's fun thinking about what weighs the same as what you've lost!

    Awestfall: Where do you live? I'm sure you mentioned it before. Anyway, we still haven't seen 50, but our 42 degrees this week feels absolutely tropical!

    Jlb: My boyfriend and I have tickling fights, so I guess we're also in the 3 year old group. It's fun and I consider it exercise because we burn calories wrestling and we burn calories laughing. It's a win-win if you ask me!

    I have a lot of energy today and my co-worker caught me dancing next to the copier a little bit ago. I don't know if it's the fresh air, the sunshine, the warmer temperature or all of it combined, but I'm hyper and can't sit still. If I weren't such a reading addict, I would consider walking during lunch, but with only 30 minutes, I need to eat. Grr.
    West Virginia
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    my husband even told me last night without me asking that I looked alot smaller.

    Aw, that's great!
    I know one of the compliments in disguise my bf has given me is one night a few weeks ago he laid down next to me & put his arm around me said "Where's Julie!?" :laugh: It's lame, but it still made me grin.
    One of our favorite things to do to torture each other is give each other raspberries -- you know, like mothers give their children on their bellies... :embarassed: It always results in a wrestling match because someone wants to give someone a raspberry and the other person absolutely does *not* want to be raspberried. Ugh, I guess we're like 3 years old or something. But anyway, now his excuse to give me raspberries is he has to get in as many as possible before it's too late & there's no belly left to raspberry. :tongue: It's true though -- I have a lot of weight to lose still from my hips and legs, but my tummy has gotten drastically smaller. On the sides of my waist, I can only poke like half an inch of fat before I hit something hard (*gasp* Muscles?!). And it still blows my mind that I can feel my ribs. :laugh:
    I don't think its like being a 3 year old.I think its cute and hopefully you will continue to be like that.My husband and I are and we have been together for 8 years now.It keeps us young !!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My biggest problems are is hips and thighs, whats your plan for tackling that?

    Well, my understanding is that you can't spot reduce fat -- you just have to keep up the cardio cardio cardio to reduce the extra fat all over. So, I'm just going to continue to work on strengthening my leg muscles & gluts (squats are GREAT for this) so whenever the fat is gone I'll have some decent muscle definition. But, I may be weird in that I like my curves. I actually have some pretty awesome proportions at this point and I want to keep 'em! I just want to scale them down a little -- hopefully lose like 6 or 7 more inches off of all of my measurements. Rail thin is not a look that appeals to me. I'm going for va-va-va-voom. :wink:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    My biggest problems are is hips and thighs, whats your plan for tackling that?

    Well, my understanding is that you can't spot reduce fat -- you just have to keep up the cardio cardio cardio to reduce the extra fat all over. So, I'm just going to continue to work on strengthening my leg muscles & gluts (squats are GREAT for this) so whenever the fat is gone I'll have some decent muscle definition. But, I may be weird in that I like my curves. I actually have some pretty awesome proportions at this point and I want to keep 'em! I just want to scale them down a little -- hopefully lose like 6 or 7 more inches off of all of my measurements. Rail thin is not a look that appeals to me. I'm going for va-va-va-voom. :wink:

    lol, I was afraid you were going to say squats!!:laugh: I HATE HATE HATE THEM! :explode: :grumble: Partially casue my *kitten* and thighs are so huge it hurts so much to do them. Eh, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose. I dont mind the bike, and I hope that someday I am able to run comfortably without wanting to die.

    And ditto on the va-va-voom. I have no intention of being rail thin. I LOOOOVE my curves and so does BF. He first noticed my booty and thats what got him hooked! If that goes away he will be very sad :tongue: :wink:

    edited to say- to be honest I was happy with what I looked like at 180lbs, but if Im doing this as a health thing...yea well at 180 wasnt too healthy. My long term goal is to be at 150lbs which is the higher end of my recommended weight range (i think a little above)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Stalker check!:wink:

    It's sunny here in Northeast Ohio too! We went for our walk today at lunch today (we have a few more souls tagging along now that Spring is in the Air!) and it was beautiful! Still in the low 30s but beautiful!

    Did I mention that when I walked with the group yesterday, in the low 30s, with about 8-10 inches of snow on the ground, I was wearing a skirt, hiking boots and knee-high gators (to keep the slush off my legs!), and a tank top. No suit coat, no winter coat, no gloves - it is the most comfortable I've ever been walking!!! My arms were a little cold and they were a nice pink when we got back to the office, and I was still sweating like a fool for a good 20 minutes post walk, but BOY did going practically topless help with the heat!!!:smokin: Today I wore a tee-shirt. I think the guys were more comfortable with that - my upper arms are still quite WHITE and porky like - I looked a fine spectacle yesterday...

    We're getting ready for another weekend at the farm with friends and I'm trying to find a way to keep costs AND calories down! We'll have about 15 people there, some coming in from a few states away and while everyone wants to contribute the incomes vary from moderate teacher types to extremely poor college students. I'm planning on soups - chicken soup and chili and making frittatas for breakfast on Sunday (frittatas are a great way to recycle left overs!). I'm also going to take bread making materials and of course a container of :love: HOME MADE GREEK YOGURT!:love:

    Silly work is calling! Love you guys!!!!