Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    mstahl- thats a good way to look at it. Usually I think about all the people who have put me down because of my weight and those who have told me "i cant" and thats usually motivation enough to keep me pumped up. I'll try your way for a little extra umph :laugh:

    jlb- thanks for the advice, I dont know if you realize how helpful and inspirational you've been for me through this journey and I just want to say thanks for all the tips and advice! love ya! :heart:

    I guess Im scared that if I take today off c25k I will regret it, feel guitly for 'quitting', or **gasp** abandon the program all together.

    After reading Heather's post it got me thinking, I saw a lot of people this weekend that havent seen me in months, and no one commented on my weight loss. I guess maybe that's why I'm a little down today, maybe thats why I feel like I still have such a long way to go instead of looking at how far I have already come :sad: :frown: I am so proud of myself at what Ive done so far but I guess no one else really noticed and it got me bummed. Ok well at least now I know why Im sad....

    back to reading motivational quotes! thanks for listening to me ramble

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather I'm SO IMPRESSED!!! Size 10? OMG that's awesome! I was in a size 10 when I was about 145 lbs... I keep pulling my Gap size 14s on and they still don't button but they will soon! Today I'm wearing the size 14 slacks I purchased a week ago today, and they're snug (cut that way) but they fit fine, much better than last week. This is fun! The size 16 slacks I purchased just before Christmas are too big and I think I only wore them about five times. I still have some size 18s that fit so it's not universal but it sure is nice to see! I'm wearing a Gap size large black sweater today that I haven't worn in years. If I go smaller than a size large on top I'll have to go shopping because I've kept NO work clothes smaller than Large. Right now I'm trying hard not to buy any "winter" clothes so I'm wearing lots of sweaters and that SUCKS with my MEGA hot-flashes!:devil: :mad: :devil:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: The last time I was in size 10s, I was also about 145-150 lbs. It's so weird, but I'll take it. I'm thinking I must have more muscle than I did back then?? Or, I could be honest and say I have more gut, which doesn't affect the jean size as much, but we'll pretend that isn't the reason.

    Cris: Don't worry about what others do or don't see in yourself. You know you've come a long way and WE here know that you've come a long way. Also keep in mind that a lot of times others don't like mentioning when someone else has lost weight because they usually realize that they're gaining weight and if they mention your success, they'll see themselves as less successful. Or they're too jealous to say anything. Keep up the awesome work and remember how much healthier you're becoming whether others see it or not!

    The friend of mine who wants to go to dinner has been doing nothing but constantly gaining weight since she met her boyfriend 4 years ago. When I first met her, she was wearing size 8 jeans and I can guarantee she does not fit into a 14 now...she's most likely a 16 or 18 now and unhappy about it. She will never say anything about my weight loss in front of others because she hates to admit when others are doing something that she isn't. Now, she will say something when it's just her and I. I know part of the reason she doesn't talk to me or see me as often is because she's jealous that I'm happy in my relationship and she's not in hers and that she and her boyfriend eat constantly while my boyfriend and I are out hiking and snowshoeing. Still ,she's a friend, but one I don't spend much time with because then I'd be eating all the time with her.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in:
    calories: good - but I think I am forgetting something because I sure feel like I overate
    exercise: great - went to the Y for step and even got my 16-yr old daugher to go with me!
    water: not very good - was at my inlaws most of the day and they have terrible tasting water
    proud: that I chose to make a fairly light dinner after having lasagna at the inlaws and birthday pie ... it's my birthday today and I'm not a cake eater so they made me butterscotch pie and sent the whole pie home with me! Luckily they made instant which isn't quite as good so I should be able to get by with one piece tonight
    Also proud that I surpassed my goal of 420 minutes of exercise last week ... I am really feeling 'tighter' too. I will need to do measurements soon. I'm bummed though that I didn't manage a workout this morning because I want to do another 420 minutes this week, I set my alarm to get up and do something at home before getting the kids to school and me to work, but I didn't get out of bed as I had a sinus headache and just wanted to lay there. I absolutely want to do something tonight after work ... my husband is making dinner for my birthday, so that should give me time to exercise and shower. That is the plan anyhow. Unfortunately they are making batter-fried chicken for me and homemade french fries .... if I were stronger I would pick something lighter but that is my favorite meal, I will just have to keep my portions under control.
    I'm not even trying our challenge this week since stopping with my diet pepsi is going to have to be well planned to avoid headaches, plus my hubby and I are going to a hotel Thursday and Friday for my birthday and I'm sure some vodka gimlets and wine will be consumed. But I am going to try to get in my 64oz of water every day.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    bump for tonight
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Istapul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    checking in:
    calories: good - but I think I am forgetting something because I sure feel like I overate
    exercise: great - went to the Y for step and even got my 16-yr old daugher to go with me!
    water: not very good - was at my inlaws most of the day and they have terrible tasting water
    proud: that I chose to make a fairly light dinner after having lasagna at the inlaws and birthday pie ... it's my birthday today and I'm not a cake eater so they made me butterscotch pie and sent the whole pie home with me! Luckily they made instant which isn't quite as good so I should be able to get by with one piece tonight
    Also proud that I surpassed my goal of 420 minutes of exercise last week ... I am really feeling 'tighter' too. I will need to do measurements soon. I'm bummed though that I didn't manage a workout this morning because I want to do another 420 minutes this week, I set my alarm to get up and do something at home before getting the kids to school and me to work, but I didn't get out of bed as I had a sinus headache and just wanted to lay there. I absolutely want to do something tonight after work ... my husband is making dinner for my birthday, so that should give me time to exercise and shower. That is the plan anyhow. Unfortunately they are making batter-fried chicken for me and homemade french fries .... if I were stronger I would pick something lighter but that is my favorite meal, I will just have to keep my portions under control.
    I'm not even trying our challenge this week since stopping with my diet pepsi is going to have to be well planned to avoid headaches, plus my hubby and I are going to a hotel Thursday and Friday for my birthday and I'm sure some vodka gimlets and wine will be consumed. But I am going to try to get in my 64oz of water every day.

    Happy Birthday!!! It's okay to let go a little every once in awhile. Just stick to your plan of keeping your portions under control!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy Birthday lstpaul !!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    happy birthday istapal:flowerforyou:

    Heather: congrates on your new size..i recently started to fit a size 12..i went from a size 18 to a size 12, but not all jeans are the same..so i fall inbetween a size 14 and 12...i am working towards a size 10 hopefully soon.

    Cris: good luck on your c2k5...i graduated a week ago, the program, so i started to do a little elliptical, treadmill, and the dvd i have..bob's bootcamp, bob's yoga, cardio max, 3 mile walk...and so on.. I know you can do it:flowerforyou:

    Jess and Jib: Very nice pics..you can see your progress...great job :flowerforyou:

    Check in 3/1/10
    calories: on target..
    exercise: 1 hour on the elliptical + week 3 day 2 (situp's challenge)
    water: so far so good :drinker:
    proud: I did one whole hour on the elliptical even though i said i was going to do 40 minutes
    this weeks challenge: i had 2 cups of coffee, 1 cup of green tea, and lots of water ( 9 cups)

    Have a great day:heart:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks everybody for the Birthday wishes ... you made me smile!:happy:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    happy birthday istapal:flowerforyou:

    Heather: congrates on your new size..i recently started to fit a size 12..i went from a size 18 to a size 12, but not all jeans are the same..so i fall inbetween a size 14 and 12...i am working towards a size 10 hopefully soon.

    You'll be there soon, I just know it! And congrats on graduating from C25K! I dropped off on it myself and need to get back on the wagon with it. June (and my first 5k) will be here before I know it, so I better be ready!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I just ate my protein bar (usually eat about 1hr or so before gym time) and I still have noooo energy. I have not felt this tired in sooo long, I just want to sleep forever! I might end up skipping the gym and taking a nap instead. That wont make me very proud though :sad: :brokenheart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I just ate my protein bar (usually eat about 1hr or so before gym time) and I still have noooo energy. I have not felt this tired in sooo long, I just want to sleep forever! I might end up skipping the gym and taking a nap instead. That wont make me very proud though :sad: :brokenheart:

    Chris - try eating an apple or carrots if available and if you're still pooped out think about taking a brisk 15 or 20 minute walk to see if getting your blood pumping helps at all! If it doesn't go home and rest your body and if it does maybe you can do a little something to make yourself feel better! At least you'll have something in the exercise box!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Your body may be telling you that it needs rest, so listen to it. Remember that getting enough sleep can be as beneficial to your health as exercising. Typically if you feel worn out, it's because your body is fighting an oncoming illness, so take the time to rest and do it's thing! You can't be Supermom everyday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris: Your body may be telling you that it needs rest, so listen to it. Remember that getting enough sleep can be as beneficial to your health as exercising. Typically if you feel worn out, it's because your body is fighting an oncoming illness, so take the time to rest and do it's thing! You can't be Supermom everyday!

    I agree! You may need to just suck it up and take the rest. You don't want to hurt your body or be worse off then what you started. They say sleep is super important to continuing to lose weight. Take the night off. You deserve it! Tomorrow is a new day. Hit the ground running.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Realized today at 1:30 that I have not eaten. So I grabbed a grilled chicken sandwhich ate it then found out it was 500 cals. :noway: I am still under a cloud right now. I have not even been keeping track of what I eat, when I remember to eat. TOM is here to make things even more delightful than they have already been. Sorry to be so glum and boring, this is why I have not been posting I do not feel positive right now. Has nothing to do with weight loss, just a struggle:indifferent:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks everyone, I came home and got in bed...I didnt fall asleep because my step-son was downstairs screaming but I got some 'rest'. I will make up my excercise tomorrow. Going to bed nice and early tonight! I appreciate everyone's feedback and concern!

    calories- under
    water- still working on it but will get there
    excercise- none
    sodium- 1435
    proud- that I listened to my body

    Thanks again, love you gals!


    momma- we are here for you if you need to vent, or just need a hug! hope everything is ok!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Since my computer has been running slow for over a week, it is much better now but I got out of the habit of logging every single thing. I think that I have done pretty well on my own, judging the calories. Tomorrow I will try to get back at it. Today I tried Turbo Jam and I had flailing arms and legs, not a pretty sight, LOL but I will give it a try a few more times.

    I have avoided jumping in much because I don't want anyone to feel left out. I have a terrible time keeping everyone straight in my head. But good job hajohnson on the small pants, and happy birthday to lstpaul. Chris good job on listening to your body. Rest well. I ment to tell you that finally on Saturday I got to do some stairs. Mstahl: Are you going to be changing jobs? Or what is up with that?

    Do any of you know how to change the age on the profile page? All I seem to be able to change is the goals and motivation etc.
    I need FMP for dummies. hee hee Have a good rest of the evening.

    calories: good to my estimation
    water: yes
    exersice: yes
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    snowflakes, you go to settings tab at the top then select update diet/fitness profile , once you are there you can put in your birthdate
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have avoided jumping in much because I don't want anyone to feel left out. I have a terrible time keeping everyone straight in my head. But good job hajohnson on the small pants, and happy birthday to lstpaul. Chris good job on listening to your body. Rest well. I ment to tell you that finally on Saturday I got to do some stairs. Mstahl: Are you going to be changing jobs? Or what is up with that?

    Do any of you know how to change the age on the profile page? All I seem to be able to change is the goals and motivation etc.
    I need FMP for dummies. hee hee Have a good rest of the evening.

    If you go to "My HOme" on the right side of the screen under the tabs you'll see "Settings" click on this and you'll see a list - one option is "Update diet/ fitness profile" click on that and you'll fine your age and stuff :)

    I am waiting for the new job to post - every thing is going in slow motion. It's sooooo painful to wait!!!

    Speaking of painful... I was doing my sit-up challenge tonight down here in the family room by the fire. Mrs. Fig was up in the kitchen and looked down the steps and decided that I was a monster. She got all worked up growling and barking - I rolled onto my stomach and called her and she crawled over to me muttering - then decided I was in fact "mom" and washed my face. Even though I've done crunches with her in the room, she must have not been able to figure it out from above and a distance. She was so happy I wasn't a monster she stood on my pony tail while I tried to complete the sets! What a good dog!

    Without my wine I'm well under calories tonight... I might go back for seconds on the Tunisian Frittata!

    Edited to actually CHECK IN!

    Calories - a little under (wine!)
    Water - did it!
    Exercise - 45 minute walk at lunch and crunch challenge

    Proud - I made a Tunisian Frittata with eggplant - eggplant isn't my favorite and the fritatta was pretty good!