Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking in for 3/1

    Calories: Under
    Sodium: Around 1200 mg..sweet!!
    Water: Over
    Exercise: Last chance workout upper and lower body sculpt and sit up challenge

    Proud: I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster all day. I'm proud I still stuck with my plan. came home and let all my frustrations out on my workout and rocked it! All I gotta say is dating is the pits!! It's just ridiculous how men act sometimes!

    Hope everyone has a great evening!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mrs. Fig was up in the kitchen and looked down the steps and decided that I was a monster. She got all worked up growling and barking - I rolled onto my stomach and called her and she crawled over to me muttering - then decided I was in fact "mom" and washed my face.

    This is so funny to me because I can so relate. One of our IGs is rather aloof with strangers and we discovered when he was really young that we could be petting him and then slip on a hat when he wasn't looking (but while we were still petting him) and when he looked up and saw the hat he would FREAK OUT. It was the funniest and saddest thing ever, but we actually used it to condition him to tolerate strangers. He used to panic so much that he would actually pee himself around strangers (and by strangers I mean anyone other than my bf and me -- even regular houseguests like our moms & best friends).

    03.01.10 (!!)
    Calories: 1521
    Exercise: I LOVE RUNNING OUTSIDE! I went to another riverfront park (there are 3 good rivers & a canal in my city which makes for many awesome riverfront parks) for a jog this evening and sooooo thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked running on the treadmill but I could feel myself getting bored. Outside in beautiful surroundings just makes it so awesome. Again, I was dragging my dog behind me half of the run. I can't wait until his stamina catches up to mine. I hope to someday be able to take both of my greys with me on runs. I want to turn them in to huge hunk-o-muscle dogs (they pretty much already are but they've gotten out of shape recently). So, I ran for about 25 minutes and walked or about 10. Then I came home and did my sit-ups, push-ups, and squats (ouch).
    Water: I'll do better when I'm back at work tomorrow
    Proud: I was shopping for new workout pants today and I was having a hard time finding the size I needed (Large 12/14!) because the only sizes they had were XL and XXL! Not being able to find a small enough size is definitely a new problem.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I've not had much time to read everyone elses posts lately so here goes I'll try to catch up.....
    Istpaul - hope you are enjoying a wonderful birthday and RELISH that fried chicken!!! It's not your Bday every day.
    HaJohnson so many congratulations on your new size, OMG single digits !!! you inspire me.
    JLB - sorry about your hives and asthma, hope you feel much better now but well done on the squats!
    AWestfall - love that you're loving the wii, I'm tempted to get one. Congrats on the inches lost.
    Chris - try not to dwell on others comments or lack of comments, you are inspiration to us all, you are beautiful, you have a family that sounds pretty great and you have lost 26 pounds, that's huge!!! I wouldn't be well on my way to 200 sit ups without you.
    Mstahl - love your monster/sit ups/dog story. Made me laugh. I know you can hold off on the wine for 4 more days!!!!
    Jess, you look fantastic in that photo.
    Bluenote - well done resisting that burger, you are a better woman than I
    Tiger - congrats on your upcoming wedding, we should talk, I'm planning my own too!
    Stephanie - Hello, nice to meet you, I just joined the group a few weeks ago.

    Thanks to everyone who weighed in on my scale problems/questions.

    Checking in for 3/1
    calories - 1233 ( did not eat 147 of exercise cals)
    exercise - 30 day shred
    water - 10
    proud that I did the shred again, though quite sore, and even used heavier weights, PHEW!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris: Don't worry about what others do or don't see in yourself. You know you've come a long way and WE here know that you've come a long way. Also keep in mind that a lot of times others don't like mentioning when someone else has lost weight because they usually realize that they're gaining weight and if they mention your success, they'll see themselves as less successful. Or they're too jealous to say anything. Keep up the awesome work and remember how much healthier you're becoming whether others see it or not!

    The friend of mine who wants to go to dinner has been doing nothing but constantly gaining weight since she met her boyfriend 4 years ago. When I first met her, she was wearing size 8 jeans and I can guarantee she does not fit into a 14 now...she's most likely a 16 or 18 now and unhappy about it. She will never say anything about my weight loss in front of others because she hates to admit when others are doing something that she isn't. Now, she will say something when it's just her and I. I know part of the reason she doesn't talk to me or see me as often is because she's jealous that I'm happy in my relationship and she's not in hers and that she and her boyfriend eat constantly while my boyfriend and I are out hiking and snowshoeing. Still ,she's a friend, but one I don't spend much time with because then I'd be eating all the time with her.

    I totally agree, unfortunately. It's hard for some people to accept your success if they have none of their own. I run into that ALL the time here. I have more friends jealous of my weight loss than I'd ever imagined I'd have. Everything was fine when I was the biggest - they all felt safe - at least Nancy is bigger than me, etc. But now that I am losing, they are all scrambling to lose! I just smile and say to myself - thank GOD I am not competitive! Also, some may be afraid to say anything because they might think you'd be offended - they might think you might say, "I'm not losing weight, what, do I need to?" You know, that foot-in-mouth syndrome!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Happy Birthday, lstpaul!!! :flowerforyou: ...and many more.... :happy:
    jlb - what a wonderful dilemma, eh? Finding the clothes too big instead of too small at the store! It's gotta feel great!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: momma:heart::heart: :heart:
    Jess - I swear I did not recognize you in the pic! You look fabulous, darling! :flowerforyou:
    pos-me - Is that YOU in your pic??????????

    check in:

    cals: under a wee bit - NOT going to p-b; too pooped! Need sleep!
    water: 64
    exercise: none - my rest day
    proud: that I forced myself not to exercise, and I won! :bigsmile:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Thank you momma2four and mstahl, you are smart savvy women.

    Did I miss a sit up challenge? Is this along with only drinking water this week?

    Good Night!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thank you so much bluenote and meokk for the compliments on the pic. You are both very sweet!

    Snowflake-You didn't miss the sit up challenge. You can start whenever you like. There is a separate thread for it. Cris started the challenge and here is the link
    I think I did that right!

    Jlb-That is so great that you are running outside. I am awful at cardio! Do you have any suggestions on how to get to that point? I get so winded so easily! I can't wait till I can take my dog for a run outside. It's almost Spring and down by the lake or river sounds so beautiful!

    Mstahl-That's too funny about your dog. My dog does not like when I'm on the ground doing sit ups. She gets all in my face and drops her toys on my face and crawls all over me thinking she's a lap top. She hates not getting attention. I finally gave her a bone last night and kept her outta my hair for about 10 minutes. Having a cat and a dog can be quite a treat sometimes when trying to get something done. I would imagine it's similar to having kids that don't talk and cry! LOL

    Cris-Glad you were listened to your body and got some rest. Hope you are feeling better today!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thank you momma2four and mstahl, you are smart savvy women.

    Did I miss a sit up challenge? Is this along with only drinking water this week?

    Good Night!
    Snowflakes - it's right here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/83050-200-sit-up-challenge-2010 Chris started up a different thread so we wouldn't be jamming this one up talking about sit-ups (crunches actually). You should check it out - I'm loving (hating) it :wink:

    I'm going to be off-line most of today :sad: because I have to get some actual work done :embarassed: but I'll be back in full form Wednesday (stalkerish as usual!). The reason I "waste" so much time on MFP is because I find all of you so wonderful and I :heart: LOVE:heart: having this group to come and talk too! I love you guys so much!

    Who else could I tell this next random anecdote to? I was in the shower this morning and noticed that the fat at my knee no longer slopes down then up, or even out then up... it's an upward slope from the inside of my knee to my thigh!!! NOT GOOD YET but SO MUCH BETTER! If it were warm I would so wear shorts and skinny women would be all "WTF is SHE wearing shorts for" and I would be all "I LOOK FABULOUS!":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh what a peridine shift!

    I remember Rora (?) saying that she wanted to be kind and appreciate her body however it looks today because she remembers how happy she's been to get to this size. For all of us who have lost any weight at all I think that's great advice!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thank you momma2four and mstahl, you are smart savvy women.

    Did I miss a sit up challenge? Is this along with only drinking water this week?

    Good Night!
    Snowflakes - it's right here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/83050-200-sit-up-challenge-2010 Chris started up a different thread so we wouldn't be jamming this one up talking about sit-ups (crunches actually). You should check it out - I'm loving (hating) it :wink:

    I'm going to be off-line most of today :sad: because I have to get some actual work done :embarassed: but I'll be back in full form Wednesday (stalkerish as usual!). The reason I "waste" so much time on MFP is because I find all of you so wonderful and I :heart: LOVE:heart: having this group to come and talk too! I love you guys so much!

    Who else could I tell this next random anecdote to? I was in the shower this morning and noticed that the fat at my knee no longer slopes down then up, or even out then up... it's an upward slope from the inside of my knee to my thigh!!! NOT GOOD YET but SO MUCH BETTER! If it were warm I would so wear shorts and skinny women would be all "WTF is SHE wearing shorts for" and I would be all "I LOOK FABULOUS!":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh what a peridine shift!

    I remember Rora (?) saying that she wanted to be kind and appreciate her body however it looks today because she remembers how happy she's been to get to this size. For all of us who have lost any weight at all I think that's great advice!

    I know exactly how you feel about logging in here on and off all day! I do the same thing! And this really is a great group of ladies! Very supportive. Congrats on the wanting to wear shorts. That's a huge accomplishment. I wore shorts for the first time last summer in probably 5 years or so. I use to live in Capris and then bermuda shorts. That's very exciting!!

    On another note. I'm not much of a breakfast eater but have been eating some of that special k cereal. Does anybody have any suggestions on something else that is good? That cereal is pretty high in carbs and sugar and it's throwing off my numbers! Any help would be great! Thanks!
  • rockwife
    rockwife Posts: 35
    Having a hard time staying under calories. Reacting by stuffing to stress. Calories have been over the past few days.

    1. stay under calories
    2. workout at least 4 days for 30 minutes
    3. drink at least 8 glasses of water daily

    beginning weight 268
    current weight 252
    goal for the week: 251
    3 week goal 249
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    rockwife: I know many of us can relate to self medicating with food from being stressed out. Make a store list of stress relievers and stick to the list; like crisp apples, celery sticks, carrot sticks, a few almonds, pistachios, (both are heart healthy nuts but be sure and measure they are higher in calories). Then chewing gum off and on throughout the day can help. You can do this. Every day is a new opportunity to make good choices!

    Jess: How about yogurt and granola, or two scrambled eggs,(I use whole eggs because I don't have cholesterol issues) oatmeal with blueberries. These are a few of my staples. I was reading an article yesterday that part of the reason that it is important to eat breakfast is that it helps get your metabolism fired up for day.

    mstahl: whats up with those shapely legs!!! Nice that you are seeing a difference. Your job sounds like you work for the government, hurry up and wait. lol

    Have a good day everyone!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I've decided that I hate TOM because it makes me do unreasonable things like eat wings AND wontons AND margaritas when I know I don't have enough calories left over for my day. Add all of that to being bloated and the scale says I'm up 2 lbs. again. As usual, I know it's not completely true and it will come right off again, but holy schmoley!

    I had to laugh about everyone's dogs hating their owners doing crunches. I have a cat who "helps" me stretch and cheers me on when I'm on the treadmill. He'll stand next to the treadmill and meow at me while I'm working out and once even stepped on the treadmill with me only to go shooting off the back (no animals were harmed during this workout routine). When I'm sitting on the floor stretching, he likes to be petted and rub against my arm, leg, hand, etc. When I'm completely done working out, he disappears to sleep. It's nice that he's so supportive, don't you think? The other cat just watches from the window sill and yawns.

    It looks like several of us are very similar in that we waste way too much work time checking in on MFP. I am addicted! I try to limit myself but when I'm lacking motivation at work, it's extremely hard to stay away!

    Jlb: Congrats on having a hard time finding workout pants small enough. That's a better problem to have!! Now that we're getting warmer weather and the snow is melting, I'm hoping I can start attempting some running outside again.

    On a very sad note, my snowshoe broke yesterday about half way through our snowshoe hike so I had to hike through the snow carrying my snowshoes. They have a warranty, but the snow will be gone before I get them back from being repaired. It looks like I'm done snowshoeing for the season :-( On the plus side, my glutes are sore from all of the stairs I had to walk up at the park yesterday.

    Have a great day!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    GOOD MORNING! (add me to the stalker group) just love you all so much! :love:

    Snowflakes- good to hear from you! Your ticker looks like its at the half way mark! How exciting!
    Mstahl- lol on the dog/sit up story. My problem while doing the situps is my son. He's 15months and he thinks its an invitation to run and jump on top of me :laugh: :laugh:
    jess- unfortunately it doesnt get much better with the boys when you 'stop dating'. I love my BF to death but sheesh its like having another baby.:noway: :grumble: Eh, Im still a lucky girl though..you'll find the right one. Oh and on the breakfast thing- I know a lot of people are against frozen foods, but I have a serious addiction to McDonald's bacon egg and cheese bagels so I have replaced the urge to eat one with Jimmy D-lights muffin egg white and cheese canadian bacon. Its 230 calories and I try to only eat it 2 times a week. I also eat eggs with a piece of toast sprayed with I cant believe its not butter spray, but most days I'll have a slim fast type of shake and a special k cereal bar.
    meook- congrats on your wedding! When is the big day!!?? Thanks also for your kind comments,, you put a smile on my face and reminded me how blessed I truly am. I have a beautiful family who love me regardless of my weight..thanks for putting it in perspective for me :flowerforyou:

    I am well rested (still a tad sore/tired) but ready to get back on the excercise wagon. Today is typically just a situp day for me but I am going to make up my c25k run from last night and do my situps. Thanks girls for all the love and feedback!

    Have a great day,

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have also heard that breakfast boots your metabolisim. That's why I eat it. Otherwise I would just skip it. I hate breakfast. I'm a freak of nature! LOL

    Cris-I didn't even think of the special k bars! Good thinking!! I usually have a protein bar in the afternoon to keep me going. Even tried a Snickers Marathon bar last night. I almost wasn't hungry for dinner it filled me up so much! Yay for Biggest Loser being back!!

    Snowflake-Thanks for the suggestions as well! I need variety for not being a breakfast eater and these are all great easy suggestions!

    Rockwife-Staying under calories when you are stressed is very difficult. I have to second the vote for stocking up on veggies and such for snacking when you are stressed. For some reason I like the crunchieness when I'm stressed. Weird random thought! Hang in there! We know you can get through this!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OK - my last check-in from work until after lunch I SWEAR! :embarassed:

    BREAKFAST - I hate eating in the morning but I'm becoming an expert lately! Here are my top favorites mostly due to lack of effort needed.

    1. 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese and 1/3 cup frozen berries
    2. 1/2 cup lowfat low sugar vanilla yogurt with 1/2 cup FiberOne Carmel cereal (I make my yogurt and add spenda and vanilla to mine when I dish it up.)
    3. 3/4 cup pumpkin (when you can find it!) 1/2 cup cottage cheese or vanilla yogurt mixed - YUM
    4. Soft boiled egg (3 min egg) on high fiber toast
    5. Left-overs from dinner the night before
    6. Hard boiled egg and an apple (breakfast at work LOL!)

    Edited to add - yogurt, especially Greek style, give you a lot more protien than milk!

    Fast food - like Chris said, some breakfast sandwiches are only about 250 calories so those can be great once in a while. I've had the McDonald's egg mcmuffin for breakfast and it sticks with you thanks to the Canadian bacon.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I want to add about the jimmy dean d-lights bfast sandwich, yes they should ONLY be eaten in moderation!!!!

    The only reason I really get them is because it really makes me feel like Im not depriving myself of my beloved McD's bacon egg and cheese- it tastes just as good, curbs my craving, and isnt too horrible (again in moderation)

    hehe, just thiught Id add that PSA :laugh: :wink:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    ate well yesterday, stayed under my calories...but not by too much!!
    ran 2 miles, drank tons of water..
    Not proud i had two bites of brownie, but proud that i didn't have more!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jlb-That is so great that you are running outside. I am awful at cardio! Do you have any suggestions on how to get to that point? I get so winded so easily! I can't wait till I can take my dog for a run outside. It's almost Spring and down by the lake or river sounds so beautiful!

    COUCH25K!! I couldn't run for 45 seconds when I started that program (I finished it a couple weeks ago). And, no, I'm really not exaggerating! Now I can easily run over 30 minutes at a time on the treadmill and I'm running about 25 minutes at a time outside (I guess outside really is a little harder, but it's so much more fun I hardly notice. I just don't seem to have the same stamina yet -- I guess because I'm running up & down hills).
    Here's the link:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl: whats up with those shapely legs!!! Nice that you are seeing a difference. Your job sounds like you work for the government, hurry up and wait. lol

    LOL, this is funny to me because I do work for the government. :ohwell:
    The bureaucracy involved in every single tiny daily task is RIDICULOUS! And hilarious (I choose to laugh instead of cry).