

  • I get my work outs in either on my lunch breaks (9am-ish) or even while I am working when I am at home (I answer incoming calls, so if the phone isn't ringing, I can do whatever while waiting for it to ring) Sometimes I work out at 5am, but usually it's during "lunch" hour which falls around 9am. If I wait til the end of…
  • If you need help and tips- call the American Cancer Society. They have a Quit For Life program that has helped millions of people quit smoking. Depending on your state, you might get counseling sessions (people are 50% more likely to stay quit with counseling) and/or free medications - Chantix- or the patch. It's all FREE.…
  • P90X rocks my world! :happy: Welcome to the boards!
    in Newbie Comment by longhorns2 July 2010
  • add me to the confused list. LOL I can't get my scale to move, no matter if I add calories or take them away. It's annoying as all get out folks.
  • Oh- and I think I read in the booklet that most people are burning somewhere in the 600 range. Something like that. I don't have it in front of me, but I SWEAR I got that number off the official materials. It's been pretty true to form for me.
  • Mine are usually 400-700 calorie workouts. Depending on the workout. And if I skip cool down (I know, I know, but sometimes I have to skip the cool down!) I use a HR monitor and weigh 176. your weight will also factor in what your calories burned are vs what mine are. HTH
  • I am late to the group too- so we can start a new one when this one is over if you want. LOL I am on week 6. Plyo... I LOVE YOU. I really do- and no, not smoking anything this morning. :smokin:
  • Got kenpo in today,even with my 1.5 hrs of sleep last night. I was pretty proud of myself for not punking out on that. I could have had a rest day, but I am "saving" it for the weekend when we are going to be out of town. I like b&b too--- I also did chest, tris, shoulders and really enjoyed it... though my chest is on…
  • Add me to the vacation worries list. I am not stressed about food as much as exercise. It's just hard to find the time to get exercise in when I am away from home and out of my routine. I am BIG on routine. So this is where I fall every year. I plan on picking up the running when I am gone- can do that anywhere, and it…
  • HA! Nope, thankfully, I did not. LOL I got my Yoga in this morning. I did NOT want to even think about it when I woke up, but after some coffee, I was good to go. I think this was one of the best, most focused Yoga I have managed so far. I have always enjoyed it, but have to be in the right mind set to really put all my…
  • My butt hurts from Legs & Back yesterday. : ) Love it! Rest day for me- and I need it. I am pooped all over. Yoga tomorrow--- bring it!
  • Cynthia- I have to echo the excitement about being able to do more of the moves and more exercises each time. It's exciting to see how far I have come in 4 weeks just as far as the Yoga and pushups are concerned. Great job--- where are you in terms of weeks? Did you say that father up the thread and I missed it? I got Yoga…
  • Jill, the calories are so hard to figure out too. I agree. I started with 1200, and then the extra from the exercise. But P90X is saying more like 2400. That seems like WAY too much for me, not to mention, I am just not that hungry unless I go to junk food to make up the calories. Which is clearly NOT the way to go. I…
  • Thanks guys for the comments. I decided to switch and see what happens. And it DID mess up my spread sheet, and I did have to change things over, and I am quite sure when I am sucking through Plyo I will be regretting my decision to switch. LOL! I did that one and the back and chest on accident one week... holy cow those…
  • I got a GREAT Yoga in today- was very happy with my progress on some of those moves. The Crane... LMAO, never gonna happen. !!!! So I have a question for you ladies. Did you do the Lean or the Classic first? I am in week 4 of Lean, but was reading online that really I should have just done the classic. For some reason, and…
  • Last workout of Phase I... now on to the "rest" week before starting Phase II. When did yall start seeing results?
  • Awesome. Thanks!
  • Thanks! I like Yoga- but 90 min is hard to fit into my schedule, no matter WHAT I am trying to do. I when I was training for the 10Ks the long runs were hard for me to find time for (cause yeah, we are talkin 90 min 10K here...lol. SLOW!) I swapped it to a day I had more time, but hoped that didn't mess anything up. Good…
  • Jumping in and saying Hi! I've been on and off MFP since January, but 2 weeks ago got back to being serious when I started P90X. In 2 weeks, I have already gone down 5 lbs. I made the tragic mistake of not taking measurements, buuuuttt can report my pants are looser, so I know something is happening there. LOL I had to…