Tracking P90X exercises....

i have been unable to track my P90X workouts on here. i can't find anything when i search it in the exercise section. can any one help me out?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Just create an exercise, name it whatever you want and put in the calories burned. A heart rate monitor is your best bet for P90X since everyone is so different and will obviously have different calories burned numbers.
  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    I use my heart rate monitor and then I go to "create exercise" to put it directly into my log.
    I think P90X is a hard one to just generally calculate.
    If you don't have a hrm, I highly suggest one.
    Have fun with P90X.
    I'm on week 3/day 3 today :)
  • alliemoonmommy
    alliemoonmommy Posts: 4 Member
    i don't have a HRM; so i googled "calories burned p90x" and there's posts on where people posted what their HRMs read. :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    Mine are usually 400-700 calorie workouts. Depending on the workout. And if I skip cool down (I know, I know, but sometimes I have to skip the cool down!) I use a HR monitor and weigh 176. your weight will also factor in what your calories burned are vs what mine are. HTH
  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    Oh- and I think I read in the booklet that most people are burning somewhere in the 600 range. Something like that. I don't have it in front of me, but I SWEAR I got that number off the official materials. It's been pretty true to form for me.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    During my first round of P90X (when I was quite overweight and very unfit), I burned between 300-600 calories per workout. On strength training days with Ab Ripper, I was in the 300-350 range. Core Syn got me just over 350, Kenpo X was 450-500 and Plyo X anywhere between 500-600 depending on how I 'brought it.'