

  • I gotta break up the :heart: :angry: hehe False. Eating leftovers. TNP is on MFP at work.
  • Going to just add to what everyone else said, don't worry too much about the clothing size, you lost 66lb, that's amazing: good work! I agree with lil_pulp. Maybe just try on smaller sizes and see if they fit -- it might surprise you.
  • I'd water the OJ down with more vodka. ;) You could try watering down the juice and add a small squeeze of lemon to tart it up a little more. Your best best, would just have a couple drinks (literally a couple, no more than 3), and call it good.
  • I'm considering it the lesser of the evils when I don't bring something home that I've packed. The sodium in their breads is insane; you're right about that. I did not know about the crappy quality of their bread tough. Thanks for bringing that up.
  • I drink LOTS of water throughout the day. I just really like to have something to counteract the mustard and peppers on my sandwich and water doesn't do it. To all who suggested tea, I'll make sure I look for it -- I never noticed it at the one I frequent. That would be perfect, since it has some taste to it.
  • Tie a strap with a shoe lace. Either ilke a halter around the back of you neck or over like.. well, like bra straps.