This was my favorite post.
hahahaha! Love this!!!!! But to the question, YES I'm treated very differently. I'm hit on quite a bit, people make more eye contact, doors are opened more, it's a totally different world. I feel much more respected. Sad.
Always a good source of calorie! I believe I will do the same tonight! :0)
While you might fine doing it, it's really not safe. Your muscles need to wam up and cool down to funcion properly. They may do well for a while, but eventually that's a really good way to get injured. Sorry!
Thank you all so much!!!!!
I drink but I log every ounce. I drink way less now that I'm on this journey, but I still like to unwind!
Oh my gosh that's great! You're not a jerk. Just honest!
I was never a runner, but recently started training a running class. The problem most people have is that they try to run too fast. They get winded and don't allow themselves to enjoy it. Start really slowly and your body will naturally pick up the pace. I think then you'll really start to enjoy it!!! Start slower than you…
Welcome and good luck!!!