Some help please!!

Would any of you mind looking through my food/exercise diary and tell me where I'm going wrong? (ignore yesterday. It was very uncommon for me.) I've been having the hardest time lately losing anything! Any suggestions would help!


  • shaunpgillespie
    shaunpgillespie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm still new at this too but by a quick glance it looks like your using most of you exercise calories back up. I've seen a lot of posts about how to track your exercise calories and a lot of people don't use the mfp exercise calorie counter they use a hrm to figure calories burned. In this short few month I've learned to not use your exercise calories as part of your daily goal. Hope that helps some.
  • capNramsey
    capNramsey Posts: 35 Member
    I'm not a nutritional expert but I would suggest adding more veggies to your diet. You seem to only be eating veggies at dinner. I know you eat a lot of fruit, but the veggies need to be there in the other meals too. I found it hard at first to adjust my diet, but I started losing more when I would replace items with veggies.Like instead of the veggie chips (I eat those as a snack sometimes too) try eating some baby carrots. Fruits can also add to your sugar counts. I'm not sure how much sugar you're taking in but with the fruits and desserts, you may be going over in sugar and any breads or carb items can add to sugars too. Try tracking your sugars. I also stopped eating a lot of sugars. It is rare to have dessert now unless it is Skinny Cow or fat-free. Hope some of this helps.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    I would say, at a glance, to track your sodium intake.
  • Thank you all so much!!!!!
  • Try eatting more vegetables, snacking more often throughout the day, and lowering your calorie intake. by changing your exercise routine may help you to lose more weight. You could also try and not add your exercise to your calorie intake; helping you to lose more weight. Seven pounds is great. Keep up the good work.