

  • Mashed turnips also make a great mashed potato replacement with just a fraction of the calories of potatoes.
  • I made the white bean and bulgur chili from the Real Simple website a couple of days ago. It turned out fine. But when I put the ingredients into both the MFP food database and the Spark recipe calculator I got much more calories per serving than listed on the Real Simple recipe. And I used less olive oil than it called…
  • I'm getting better at spreading out my calories, but I still eat my biggest meal at dinner which is usually around 8pm for me. I go to sleep around midnight. I'm also one of those people that just doesn't like a big breakfast. I never used to eat breakfast at all, and am still getting used to having it which I know is a…
  • The white cheddar ones taste like popcorn to me. I like to eat them with a wedge of Laughing Cow. 75 calories for a quick little snack. I eat a ton of fruit already and like these as a change o pace.
  • I like to eat cereal as my after dinner snack (formerly called dessert!) and have been reading all the nutritional info at the store lately on them. It's surprising how some cereals, even healthy ones, have a ton of calories! And 1 cup (most serving sizes) just really does not do it for me. I really need 2 cups which seems…
  • I love to roast veggies this way. Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts are my favorites. I've not been roasting them much lately because the olive oil you use on them does add up the calories fast, but I love love love to eat them this way. Green beans are also great this way, don't forget to try them too! I usually roast mine at…
  • I made one of these last night and loved it! I baked mine for 20 minutes, then added the cheese and put it under the broiler to brown a bit. Added some tobasco (my current obsession....) and it was a great dish. Can't wait to try it again. Thanks for the idea! Steven
  • I had room on my credit card, so I decided to go ahead and get a heart rate monitor. I just got in inexpensive one at Walmart. The brand is Sportline model SX. It cost 48 bucks. Has a chest strap and tracks calories. Couldn't beat the price and I can always upgrade down the line if I feel I need to. I was very surprised…
  • I like green smoothies. 1 banana (may be frozen) 1/2 cup O.J. (or more, depending on how thick/thin you want it) 2 cups spinach leaves (or other greens such as mixed baby greens) 1 other fruit (1 cup strawberries or other berries, 1 cup pineapple, 1 apple, etc. I like to change it up) A great easy way to get more greens in…
  • I was wondering the same thing. I just ordered the Wii Fit Plus, thanks to the recommendations of others. In the meantime, I found this website that estimates calories for Wii activities for you. Not sure how accurate it it, but it should give you a general idea.…