baoyaoren Member


  • If you lost several inches, it means you should be doing something right. Basically, if you started a new exercise regime, your body needs to build the muscle suited to that exercise. You started about 6 weeks ago, meaning that if you keep the same level of exercise you should probably see weight loss soon. If don't start…
  • The last times I visited my father's old village, I realized something: Before, I'd taken my relatives' word for it that it was so isolated and that you needed a car to get around. Bus sercive twice a day. But when I was there last ... I realized that the next train station is not even 5km from the centre of the village; a…
  • Check if you've set up the app correctly, and check especially the units used. And make sure that if you log steps, you set your activity level to sedentary.
  • Running is great. Don't do it everyday when you're not used to it. Your muscle might only take a few weeks to get used to it, but your tendons take closer to 6 months, and your bones and cartilage take the better part of a year to get used to running. If you just want to burn calories, you should probably alternate between…
  • Read about the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. It should be an eye-opener. The short version is that restrictive eating (in an environment where food is available) leads to the kind of behaviour we know as eating disorders. And that these become self-perpetuating. That's what you're up against. But it also means that your…
  • That doesn't really help when your body also doesn't respond to exercise, other than making you more exhausted. When I jogged the first weeks on thyroid replacement hormones, I was awfully surprised that I actually got used to the training impulse and could go faster and further after a few weeks, despite not feeling as…
  • You're not the only one. Counseling may be necessary if it causes you significant distress. If it's something you've been able to bear until now, it's possible to beat it by focusing your attention on other things. "The fat girl" is an identity, and it generally is pulled up to the surface in social situations in which…
  • Rice (parboiled or brown if that doesn't completely inflate the price) and pulses are my main staples. (Fav food is 1/3 red split lentils + 2/3 rice, 2 parts water, some salt and teeny bit of tom yum paste (because I'm fancy) + cook - I can eat that any time of the day and several days in a row; but other pulses are fine…
  • As they said. It's partly genetics, partly body fat percentage and eating/exercise habits. One part of it is that there is 'white fat' and 'brown fast/beige fat', which refers to the amound of mitochondria in the cells. The more mitochondria it has, the faster it can metabolize the fat, and the darker it is. White fat also…
  • The muscles in your 'tummy' are half of what stabilizes your back, which is the easiest to be injured. Apart from that your posture has a big effect on the muscles that are involved in making certain movements and with it on the fitness gain. But the risk of injuring yourself is the most important reason why you really…
  • I am completely new here, but what I noticed over the years in online communities is that a lot of people interact based on a 'I treat you like I wish to be treated' maxime*. That by itself isn't bad, but it can lead to situations where both people give the other the treatment they wish to receive, and neither actually…