chicagomaria Member


  • I just started 6 days ago....started taking away stuff....but little by's kinda hard at first...but I have FAT pants to remind me of what my goal can do this...hate to sound like a cliche's a
  • CONGRATS!!! i'M ONLY ON DAY're doin good!
  • :smile: I'm thinking I'll take my son to daycare in his stroller, its a good 40 minute walk each way:smile: oh, BTW, my name is Maria, single mom of on the northside in Lakeview
  • We will be able to do the healthy thing...of course with some exercise!!! Thanks for inviting me
  • Tried this 6 months ago and after 2-3 days of loggin stuff in, I stopped. But you made me laugh cuz my daughter also wanted me to do this...we r the same height 5 11...but she weighs 160, I unfortunately weigh 190, trying to get to 175... YOU can do this, keep logging everything's a real eye opener!!! Maria
  • Hey!!!! What about us tall girls? I'm 5 11 and I was a normal weight of 175 last I'm 190...we ALL can do it!
  • Thanx for the kind words on encouragement...yes, what I need to realize...and I know will frustrate me is that since my metabolism is a little slower now, I need to have alot of my sister told me.....YOU'RE NOT IN YOUR 20's ANYMORE looks like I'll be trying to lose maybe a pound or two a week...