
Hello everyone new to this sight I started cal counting on Sept 1, 2011 started out weighing 173 lb. Now I'm at 150 lb . I do excercise sometimes and really just do a lot of cal counting. I do have a question the chart is tekking me that im not eating enough cal I need to eat more, I dont want to because this has worked for me. I do have my three meals incl a snack and I make sure to have proteen with each meal. Please advise! :ohwell:


  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    It's hard to tell without seeing a food journal.

    I do know it's important to get the daily required calories in and be careful not to get to low Don't be scared of calories. It's the quality of the calorie you are eating that matters, not the quantity so if most of your calories are coming from high protein, low fat, high nutrient foods that you will be fine. :)
  • Pumpkin1983
    Pumpkin1983 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you I thought a cal was juat a cal !! I have been reall stressing over this :smile:
  • chicagomaria
    chicagomaria Posts: 9 Member
    CONGRATS!!! i'M ONLY ON DAY 6....you're doin good!
  • Alexabarocas
    Remember, these things are guidlines really. If you're meant to eat 1500 calories a day according to MFP, eating 1400 or 1300 isn't a big deal. I'm almost always under my calorie count, but it's not a horrible thing. If you're supposed to eat 1500 and only eating 900, well, that's different :P
    Keep up the good work!
  • nezi_s
    WOW.. thats quite a bit of weight loss chica.. I know you say most of your weight loss is due to cal counting. may ask wht you've been eating??
  • Pumpkin1983
    Pumpkin1983 Posts: 4 Member
    most of the time: breakfest 1 boiled egg, cup of coffee, 16 oz of cold water, 1 8oz v8 low sodium
    mid morn snack, pink lady apple (my fav)

    lunch spring mix salad with pepper and lemon juice, a slice of ham really lean and tomato slices on the side. I usually warm up the ham and the tomato slices to get the "warm" lunch effect....and by this time i would have drank two more bottles of water,

    dinner: baked prok chop, green beans and another salad this time ranch dressing I make at hm using low fat sour cream....than maybe an orange or frozen bananna
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welcome to MFP and congrats on your success! It's hard to tell by not having a diary to look at, but as long as you're not severely under eating, you should be good!