cv4123 Member


  • Welcome. I'm kind of new here myself but think you are on the right track using thesite to be more aware of the choices you make and to track progress. Feel free to add me as a friend.
    in New to this! Comment by cv4123 May 2011
  • Your protein intake looks way to low to me. I tend to loose weight when my protein intake is over the MFP guidelines. Also it looks like you might be going into starvation mode by not eating enough.
  • Most treadmills have a heart rate monitor built in. If so see what your speed is on no incline that gets your heart rate the same as when you are on the incline and use that speed when you enter your working. As far as calories burned in a class unless is it high cardio I use the weight lifting category in the cardio log…
  • I like instant oatmeal not alot of protein but quick and filling.
  • My top recomendation woulwd be a co-ed sport league. By seeing your team mates over an extended period you will get to know the individuals quite well before the season ends. Even if you do not meet someone special you will meet quite a few new friends that will expand your social circle. The gym can also be a nice place…
  • Yeah I was actually kidding about the 40 pounds but it would be nice to be at my goal going into our way to short boating season. Best of luck to you as well!