

  • I'm 18wks 2 days and have gained 9 lbs and want to slow it down just a little. I really need to start eating healthier and working out. I'm 5'4 and 137lbs now started at 128.
  • Hi Everyone!!!! I'm excited to have found a group for pregnancy! I'm 26 years old, and due May 24th, 2015. We find out if we are having a boy or girl *hopefully* on January 7th. I am supposed to gain the normal range as I'm 5'4 and started at 128. I'm 18 weeks 2 days and have already gained 9 lbs so I feel like I'm gaining…
  • Today I did P90X3 Yoga, and first day of ease into 5K along with 15 min weights. Feels pretty good!
  • I just started P90X3 yesterday and would love some buddies who are doing the same program! Please add me!
  • Wow you're right ease into 5K seems better, I just downloaded the app. Thanks!
  • Haha I think that's close enough! What is the difference? My treadmill is still sitting in the garage and hubby goes back to work tomorrow for two weeks. Hopefully it will be moved today so I can use it! Otherwise I might have to find a safe path in my neighborhood :/ I'd love to run outside since it is more like a real 5…
  • Great! I'll be mostly doing mine on the treadmill once it gets moved out to the garage. We just moved and I'm not familiar with the neighborhood and don't have a running partner so I'm not 100% comfortable running outside yet. I've done the first week or two before but it's been a long time so I'm starting over. Nutrition…
  • I'm on day 4 of level one 30DS! So far it's going well. Just signed up for myfitnesspal today so add me as a friend if you want!