

  • fiber is good for you!!! you're supposed to have about 25g of fiber a day anyway, it's just because of your calorie settings that it shows less.
  • i live off of crystal light. i drink tons of water with it.
  • i've tried everything, and they all make me feel dead and my friends say that i'm not the same person when i'm on them-- that i'm strange and they don't like me on meds. i completely against anti-depressants.
  • i was content with the ending. there needs to be some mystery left over-- that is what the show was about, after all. i am pleased with the ending, and especially how they brought jack's father back.
  • eat peanut butter straight out of the jar while watching tv. works soooo well good fats and protein, and delicious.
  • great job and congrats!
  • add me as a friend and look at my diary. i eat a good amount of food and still manage to stay within range. i always go over a bit to make sure i don't go into starvation mode. just ignore today because i binged on cookies!
  • i'm a big tattoo person (over $2000 worth), so i'm careful where i put mine. the only one that is usually visible is a tiny one on my wrist that i cover with a bracelet, though they cover my shoulder, stomach, leg, etc. being professional is important.
  • you should definitely eat back at least most of what you work off. MFP puts me at 1200 calories a day, but my BMR is 1320, so i eat at least 1320. studies have shown that 1200 calories is the minimum required for survival before your body goes into survival mode. this doesn't necessarily consider BMRs. your net calories…
  • i eat a lot of rice cakes. no fat, 8g of carbs, only about 40 cal (depending on what kind you get)... it's a great munching food!
  • i'm not even going home for easter, and my mother has let me know that she sent a care package and it should arrive tomorrow. i think i'm just going to throw it in the garbage.
  • throw them out. i always throw out anything i don't want to eat. try chewing on gram crackers instead.
  • yea i worked at dunkin' donuts for two years while i was in high school/my first year of college, and that was ROUGH! i put on 15lbs the first two months working there, then quit doughnuts. but i get ridiculous sugar cravings now. it sucks.
  • i drink 8 20-oz bottles a day. i've become addicted to crystal light.
  • re-do your settings if you're under on everything else. i have carbs at 55%, and it works out perfectly for me.
  • it is the same system that mfp uses, only they count "points", instead of individual calories and such. but it's the same idea. i'd say stick with mfp-- free, and the same kind of eating freedoms.
  • i always snack on white cheddar rice cakes. 40 calories per cake.
  • you're supposed to eat your exercise calories. working out increases your metabolism and builds lean muscle so when you lose weight, it doesn't look flabby. especially if you eat 1200 calories-- your NET should be at least 1200, not how much you consume.
  • try not eating too healthy during the day. spread your junking and smoking out throughout the day. it helps and then you don't binge at night. then easily ween yourself off of it.
  • i'm a size three at 130lbs, so i'm pretty sure if i went down to this "115" goal erickib is talking about, my ribs would jut out.
  • i worked at dunkin' donuts for two years. i wouldn't underestimate how many calories are in the bread.
  • i like to eat carrots with kraft free ranch sauce as a side to meals, or lean cuisine has some low-cal, low-carb meals with veggies in them, such as the roasted herb chicken one. and it's delicious with only 180 calories!
  • you need to completely cut yourself off from him! i know it sounds harsh, but it's what needs to be done. when my boyfriends and i broke up, i put all the pictures of us on a disk and gave it to my friend to hold onto so i couldn't look at the pictures anymore, and also had my friend keep a box of the things he gave to me.…
  • when i'm craving sweets, i sit down with a jar of better'n peanut butter. it's like a nutter butter paste-- i swear it. it's not too bad in calories, and satisfies my sweet spot. check it out.
  • i tried the shakes. it's just green tea. they're screwing you over for money.
  • make sure AT THE LEAST you're eating 1200 net calories a day. if exercise takes you down to 900, eat 300 more.
  • for breakfast i love having two slices of wheat bread and two tablespoons of hummus-- hummus sandwich! then i'll have either a low-sugar granola bar or a couple rice cakes. or, sliced smoked turkey with one serving of 2% milk shredded cheese between on piece of toast cut in half-- kinda of like a low-cal turkey melt!
  • yea, that was me. i just started working out a few weeks ago and i think i subconsciously substitute it for starvation. i'm not used to eating more than 900 cal a day, which is completely by accident. i really need to get my body functioning properly. i eat a good amount when i'm at work (i work stock moving around…
  • well my problem is that i can put my body into starvation mode very easily-- 1200 calories gets me stuffed. that's why i originally joined this website-- i have a problem with putting myself into starvation mode on a regular basis.