

  • when the hubs and i first met, i brought a friend of my to his house. when we were walking up the street he could see us and once told me he thought from afar he had chose the wrong girl because i was twice her size (she was very thin). he then realized how thin she was and was thankful he chose me... kind of a compliment,…
  • i would only do it if i had to, to appear "normal" (one way bigger than the other, cancer, etc) but i know the hubs prefers them real :)
  • i do, but mostly because i know he can check out a much finer piece of *kitten* at home... so theres no need to waste OUR hard earned cash :happy: id also like to point out that my husband and i agree that he shouldnt be looking at anything he wouldnt want me to do. for instance, he shouldnt look at women taking off their…
  • safely, i would start with eating half those cals back, just in case mfp over-estimates (which it can). then if you find your losing, you can stick with that number and tweak it as you go
  • what are you counting as exercise?
  • im not "very" overweight and i would totally take down at least two donuts in public, same as if i were alone... but half a donut?! i mean, honestly, whats the point, you might as well just walk over and smell them! and i know im not a dude but when my hubby aint that hungry and eats less then me (happens VERY rarely) i…
  • for a moment my mind was in the gutter...
  • i like homemade foods, for me that doesnt mean cutting out brownies, for me that just means making them at home, from scratch. Ill eat whatever i want and when, the only i worry about is how much. I HATE working out because sweating is gross... but i LOVE the benefits of it. I think that generally if you give yourself…
  • i HATE being late and have only been late ONE TIME to school when i was a kid. I like to be 15 min early at least! even the thought of being late makes me uneasy... but i have social anxiety so the attention of being late IS NOT good for my mental health...
  • I have Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, as well as a host of physical health issues including fibromyalgia. I battle these issues with vitamins and exercise. Also, i refuse to take meds because a. they never helped much and b. the cons FAR outweighed any possible pros. Natural is the best way to treat your body, IMO...
  • im so sorry they reacted like that, i cant say what their motives were in saying such things but what i can say is this: If thats the def of narcissism, then you bet your behind that i, am a narcissist!!! "Egotism- an excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance" - You better believe that I'm excessive in my…
  • Everyone is on a diet. A diet is simply a way of eating. A person can have a diet of fast food for instance. So for me, I like explain that I have altered my diet, not that i am on one. di·et/ˈdÄ«-it/ Noun: 1.The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
  • "you know taking too many pills is bad for you." "You really need to put some weight on and you would feel better." "Your blood pressure is too low which probably has a lot to do with your weight." None of those statements, in and of themselves, sound insensitive in any way. and to your comment about responding to…
  • I also disagree. to say its every girls dream is a way to lump every women together. And even though I am very happily married, it was never a dream of mine, not to mention i never even thought i would want to or find the right guy. Might i also mention that it was the hubs want to get married, not mine, that put us into…
  • To me, marriage is nothing but a piece of paper and doesnt define a relationship (mind you I am married) But if she can't live without the marriage, then she should have a discussion with her spouse and discuss her want and needs and his. Then go from there on who's willing to compromise with what. If in the end they stay…
  • Also looks like Billie Joe Armstrong (lead singer of Green Day) Which, might I add, makes you a total B.A. :drinker:
  • you look great!!! amazing job!!!
  • that is AWESOME! good for you! keep it up!!! :drinker:
  • I am sexy because i am me! not to mention the "tall redhead" thing, the hilariousness i bring to many lives, and the fact that even though ive gained 30 lbs, my waist to hip ratio is STILL .7!!! Amy Lee, you are sexy because you can pull off red lipstick!!!
  • are you getting enough vitamins? lack of certain b vits and vit d can cause serious depressive symptoms. i literally cured myself of my depression just by tanning and taking vit b... all because the meds they gave me never helped. then i did some research online and voila, there was evidence AND not to mention a anti…
  • me too (since i am a redhead) :happy:
  • i wouldnt go by this formula, if i wanted to be 150, and only ate 1500 cals, not only would i be under my bmr now, which i refuse to do, but i would also be under my bmr for that weight... which would be no good for the long term IMO
  • lasagna (mine), lemon cheesecake (mine) and sparkling apple cider! and i will have any of these any time i want as long as i fit them in, im in this for the long haul so i aint about to make any restrictions i wont follow forever! <---- (my personal outlook not to be taken as the right or wrong way of doing things during…
  • initially i was losing weight on cals roughly that of my bmr (1700). then i thought, what could be the harm in raising them roughly 300 cals, but still be 15-20% of my TDEE. I am still in the first phase as i did gain water weight, HOWEVER, im down a total of 6.5 inches and only down 1.2 lbs of my start wieght. Either way,…
  • thanks guys! i was also a little worried to up my cals, and even more worried after the water weight, but after takin my measurements, i also did a little happy dance! :happy: and im a firm believer in upping your cals and have been, but sometimes its easier said than done, but boy am i happy i did!!!
  • i would say def not! let your body heal itself, there will be plenty of time to work out when you have recovered completely. your body needs to focus on healing the infection. at least do this for the couple days until you go see the doc again. then ask her what you should do...
  • the first year my husband and i lived together, he came home and told me he had lost his job and didnt know how we were going to pay rent. well ive been poor all my life so this was devastating news and i bawled my eyes out. he then tried to reassure me by telling me it was april fools day and it was just a joke. needless…
  • you are truly an inspiration and have done an amazing job! you look fabulous!