feelin_gr_8 Member


  • I got one but don't actually use it at my desk...great for when I just want to sit on the couch and watch a movie :)
  • Just this weekend we went and I had a bag of 2 carrots, 2 celery. We took some sweets too but barely touched them :)
  • I always assume they all overestimate...just to play it safe. It's also the easiest on my knees. Bikes and treadmills make me cringe...but that's not an issue for everyone.
  • I ate a 3 course dinner from a restaurant yesterday and still stayed under calories. Carbs, candy, and not starving. It takes practice to get into the habit. And do something that's sustainable for you. If you are feeling tortured and deprived the whole time, of course you won't be able to keep it up!
  • From what I've noticed, the ellipticals burn more calories than the other machines that I've tried. I've recently joined a gym as well and I know I should get more into weights but am too intimidated. I have 2 free personal trainer sessions that came with my membership so I'll make sure to get help there.
  • Love all the pointers, thanks so much! I would probably consider an all-woman race if it wasn't for the fact that my brother is my huge motivator. Without him, I never would have started this journey to lose the weight and start training! I'll have to check out those other sites! I stayed up late last night reviewing a…
  • Looks like a nice blog bertiones, I'll definitely have to read more of those articles, just read one :) And GenoPrice-thanks for the reminder to hang back. That definitely won't be a problem for me, I'd rather not get mowed down! My goal: survive, secondary goal: not be last!
  • Thanks so much for the advice and encouragement guys! My brother swears that the sprint tri we're going to do is in August and there just aren't details online yet...I hope he's right. I'll admit that I haven't been doing any biking or jogging with the cold weather and having a nasty cold/flu for over a month. I think I…
  • When I was on meds I was so nauseous that I didn't eat much. Haven't been on any happy pills for a couple years though since we're wanting to have kiddos and I don't want the drugs in my system. Loosing weight has helped me with my depression, but it's not a cure-all. I've been in a funk this week. I know the other day I…
  • I just copied/pasted...no problem pulling it up for me.
  • yum....will have to try!
  • Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! I'm hoping to be down closer to some of those weights by then...I have absolutely no form in swimming and can't afford all the fancy nice stuff like a legit bike (mine is a yard sale find....men's mountain bike" but I'll try my best...
  • Ditto to some of these, and thank goodness that I haven't had some of these! I have been "moo'd" and "oink'd" at, but I've never had anyone ask if I'm pregnant. I found that when I lived in Europe, so many complete strangers felt the need to inform me that I was fat and ugly...so kind. My friend that was also large would…
  • haven't seen this in a while. I'm up to a cinder block, any new objects for y'all out there?
  • Love it :) I've had a small taste of this too! Slowly, one by one, I'm gaining courage to try on the sizes that used to be so tight, and retiring the sizes that are now baggy. I'm keeping the baggy ones for now because I would like to have a kiddo...and that would save some $ in the maternity department :P Congrats!
  • I know my mom used to take metformin for diabetes and I remember hearing that it boosts fertility as well. Do they prescribe it even if you don't have diabetes? We haven't been able to conceive (have tried for almost 2 years)...but a drug that helps with weight loss AND fertility...I might be up for that!
  • We did not eat super healthy growing up. Money, time, likes...whatever reasons. Parents were skinny when I was born, now both overweight. My brother and sister are healthy weights, but I ended up more like my parents. I think sometimes I eat treats right away because if I left a treat out growing up then it would be…
  • Awesome :) I've only lost 1 size so far, but I'm looking forward to my clothes taking up less space in the washer and suitcase :)
  • yep, I track my snow shoveling, it's there. I usually only put 1/2 the time that I actually did it since the calories burned seems high to me.
  • This...you never know...maybe she's recording your form so she can get that good? :)
  • There's SO much you can do! Walk in place-high step (great while watching a movie). There's tons of exercise routines you can follow on youtube for free. I have 5 lb weights, do pilates and squats. I also love my "peddler" that I got on amazon-it's basically stationary bike pedals. Really small and cheap.
  • My 2 cents-I would make sure that I could try it on. I've had the same 2 sports bras for years. 1 is comfy and gives me the "uniboob" and the 2nd is supposedly the same size as my normal bra. Problem is, the normal bra is almost too big and the sports bra barely fits now-I had to lose over 30 pounds just to squeeze into it!
  • Different strokes for different folks. Yes, I stress about the calories. But I know myself and I'm the kind of person that needs checklists (or in this case seeing the numbers) to feel accomplishment. It's like how in college I was a GPA freak...and you know what? Those grades got me full tuition scholarships. And my MFP…
  • No selling or competition :P If anyone is interested: http://rekamirecreations.blogspot.com/ If anyone else wants to share theirs, feel free!
  • lol...I call it as I taste it ;) Loving some breads more than others sure doesn't sound like equality to me..... After further review, I echo the brilliant foccacia and english muffin comments!
  • Another :) Can't believe I never saw this topic until now. I've got a few I came up with :D
  • No chiseled body yet....thus the "work in progress" part ;)
  • I used to buy frozen meals but the main problem was they didn't fill me up! I'd have to eat 2 to not feel hungry. Of course, I haven't eaten them since I started this lifestyle change and I only work part time from home, so that makes other meals a lot easier! I like the idea of making from home and freezing leftovers, so…