I've done this every day this week and gained 2lb! Keep feeling an irresistable urge for ice cream
Definitely would :) But hey I see beauty in everybody... regardless of gender
Best: Gorgeous eyes Worst: Can't really see anything nasty to complain about :)
I feel exactly the same, except that I'm quite happy with how I look. I just know I should be a lot lighter, and so I've started thinking about it... But I really don't want to do it :)
I'm thinking of posting photos so people can say whether they think I should lose weight or not. I'd appreciate honest opinions, with no sugar coating. I must say in Norway (I live there half the year) its common to sunbathe topless, and so I would assume that it's ok to post proper torso photos here (seems sexist not to…
Thank you! I will do when I work out how...